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About mrmark

  • Birthday 10/23/1971

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    outside philly
  • Cars
    79 210 - 09 Jetta - 99 Suburban
  • Interests
    Cars, mechanical work, occasional gardening?
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  1. what is involved with exchanging an A14 head? I have the head,intake/exhaust, thermostat gaskets but i'm not familiar with this engine

    1. mrmark


      it looks pretty easy, just make sure the oiling bolt is in the right spot and adjust the valves?


    2. izzo


      It is really easy. Just remember the passenger side middle bolt needs to go back in that hole. Its skinnier in the middle than all the rest. Just pull the head, clean surface well, swap. Just remember to re-set the valve gap when you're done. It don't matter if the push rods go back in the same hole, IDC what anyone says..


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