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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Then I cleaned out the Walmart by me for the Red/White mangas :rofl:
  2. Youd need a large order. He said he would do other colors if enough people wanted them. Same with reproducing 2 dr and wagon panels.
  3. I had talked to him as well over a group buy. He seems very reasonable about making alterations if there are enough people. He is talking to his business partner about how many is enough to make changes.
  4. Because Bremerton blows. A friend owns the house Im staying in and gave me a place to stay.
  5. They are Nissan units and I bought them from my guy in Japan.
  6. Late as in I already figured it out before you came back and re-answered the same question. Here is Minty sitting in her new home. No garage or cover, but theres at least room to work and its out of sight of the road so no one can complain about the work. Way better than the apartment I was in.
  7. The previous winner has donated all items back into the second auction. So its probably best to save the shipping until someone wins this auction.
  8. No picture since its only mentioned and not shown, but my roommate and I watched Say Anything last night. John Cusack calls the cute girl in the movie to ask her out on a date. Her father, answers and asks who it is. He rattles off a couple names of boys that have been around and asked John if hes the one with the Datsun truck.
  9. Maybe you should read the posts before yours... youre late to the party again.
  10. Yeah now that Im on the computer, the larger image shows the weld lines.
  11. On my phone it just looks like a 2dr...
  12. Did I miss the photo of a 4dr with welded rear doors?
  13. Thanks, I'm off 19th and Broadway.
  14. Yeah I might do some parts trading if its a good deal... Im not a traitor though. :rofl: But seriously, I already miss you guys. :hug:
  15. Lol one step at a time haha. And Ill change my location right now. Im sure Ill be in that area again soon haha... Ill snap some pics. Jenn texted me after you already left and asked if you were still in the area. I said you rolled out since it was already late and you had a long drive ahead of you.
  16. All within just a couple blocks of my house, Ive now spotted a mustard brown 210, a white Roadster, and Mollys 510 wagon. Phone was dead so no pictures. Im sure Ill be around those parts for more pictures...
  17. I want to apologize for being a little lax with this auction, I just recently moved. Im all set up now and ready to rock again. OP updated with additional items. And to bump this to the top, Ill offer up $100.
  18. They are Gloria lights. And not terribly easy to find since they are JDM only and not something really reproduced.
  19. I could really use some new lights... Hmmm At $100 thats not a bad deal. Do you have pictures of the kits Bens?
  20. I thought your rules said you could make text posts and only pictures posts. Now Im even more confused about this thread Heres my random picture to stay on topic:
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