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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Haha I meant more of a weird job for me. I did IT work then a machining job, then IT work haha. I have no idea what I was doing the machining job.
  2. You can thank the Leno Spike for that price...
  3. I wish. I called them and they mentioned that saw it there, but thought it belonged to someone in the park behind where we parked. I then called the park owner and they never had it. Lost two good camping chairs and a BBQ. Oh well, Ive got a new set and I wont let it go this time.
  4. Im trying. I was chit-chatting with Laecon about getting some of the small stuff knocked out to keep the work flowing. Im glad people like having me Zelda around. Ill admit that Paco is one of my favorite parts of these meet ups.
  5. I thought of that as well, but I felt there wasnt enough to draw me into this event to miss Canby. There were some great cars for sure, but no real events, one tiny row of vendors (and it was all tshirts and stickers), and it was mostly just the Datsun guys hanging out around the grill. I can do that at Canby, see 10x as many cars, camp for two nights, and find way more stuff for sale. If this was on a separate weekend, I would go in a heartbeat as I had a blast last year, but to pick it over the full Canby experience I dont think so. I only went to this last year because I couldnt afford to make the trip to Oregon.
  6. Youre completely right Rick. I had bought this last batch of stuff prior to this last meet... I expected everything to run smooth, but that didnt happen. I have since fixed my wiring issues and the carb is still very iffy. Im working on getting the bike carbs going so that I can swap them out as I know they are good working carbs unlike the stock Hitachi. Hopefully soon I wil be buying a complete '69 harness to recondition, lengthen, and then swap out to have a tucked and fully working electrical system. In a full year of daily driving this has been my only real issue. I had those flats, but thats what I get for buying junk brand tires. Live and learn on that one. What really got me is that I havent been dailying this since I left the machinist job. Its been sitting a lot more lately since my commute is by ferry. Im going to take a more active role in it to make sure that its always in working condition. You mos def have the right idea :thumbup: There could be some stuff out there, but I doubt youll find much Stateside. Look around Japan and the Philippines; weirdly enough the Philippines has a good collection of J-tin and old school wheels. Good luck on your build. Feel free to PM me if you are looking for specific and maybe I can help you find it.
  7. It does in fact fall on the same weekend as Canby again. I tried to warn them, but they obviously do whatever they want. I wont be attending this year, Im upgrading to Canby
  8. Youre talking about this picture: Yeah, there are a few 6lug, but good luck finding either of those styles. Like I said, check out YAJ; they have some cool stuff. Then you just have to worry about importing them in. I would recommend that you wait to sart your search until you get home. You wont find anything cool right away... and when you do, you wont know what it is and pass it up until youve done the research to see what all is out there. Theres so many trim levels and model variance between countries that its crazy. Research is your friend.
  9. I came here to say this. I love her conviction, but it would be nice if it was a quality car...
  10. Ha... the best place to look for wheels for you would be YAJ. Theres only a few people that would import in 6lug wheels and unfortunately there wont be much available in the SSR market in the pattern you need. Your best bet would be post a WTB here and people like Radim can post up what they have. I dont have much info on 620 stuff, so I would do the random Google searches. Basically what I would do just search for the truck and click over to images. Then scroll around until you find something you like. Then read the page thats referencing the picture you like. If a name or business is mentioned in helping, then you Google that. Mostly when Im looking for something it takes me 400 different links to find all the info I wanted. One site leads to another where it leads to another etc. There cars are 40+ years old and available in a multitude of countries. Theres a ton of info out there and a million projects that have been completed (or attempted) to give you inspiration.
  11. Yeah I like it. Thanks! I just spend a ridiculous amount of time on the computer... thats how I find these connections and rare parts. Haha, as fun as being a dealer would be, I havent been to school for that and I would only want to deal for Blackjack... its the only casino game I like. Ill be running the network behind scenes... that is if I get the job.
  12. I was an IT in the Navy for 7 years (and still am one in the Reserves)... the machinist was the weird job haha.
  13. Just received a voicemail that Clearwater Casino (a large casino in the area) wants to schedule an interview with me for an IT position. I applied a few months ago, but decided to go to school instead. It would be nice if they would work around my school schedule so that I can work part-time. I applied for full-time, but I cant do that now... Im calling them back tomorrow to schedule something. Id love more money to spend on the Dime.
  14. You know, I would like the say that... but I know for a fact that if I had a large sum of money where I could invest in a car the likes of a Bugatti, I would probably own more than just Datsuns. I would have quite a few nice Datsuns for sure, but Im sure there would be something else I would purchase as well. Ive had a "Lottery Plan" for awhile and it involves a lot of the Datsun and Nissan lifestyle, but it mos def includes a couple other cars in the garage as well.
  15. Ok, just making it know for those that may be new to fender mirrors for some models. GLWS buddy.
  16. The '70 SSS Coupe grille is being refinished right now. I will be stripping it and repainting it the black and white it is. Then its going on the car until I can get a '69 SSS Coupe grille.
  17. Would these not be door mirrors and not fender mirrors? If you are trying to use them as fender mirrors, I see a problem with them being straight. If they are straight, you wont be able to open the hood... these would make nice door mirrors though.
  18. I wish cellphones didnt distort the images so much. Since thats all I have right now, all my pictures of the car look a bit proportionally incorrect. At one point I should be borrowing a camera and lenses from school so I should have some quality images taken.
  19. My most used grammatical symbol is the ellipsis. When did you get a PL510? Last I saw you had that A10 wagon. Ill see what I can do about another set of visors. Im about to head out now to snap a couple more pictures.
  20. This is the only picture I have at the moment... phone died installing parts Visors are on, grille is being painted, and I still need to mount the new deluxe fender emblems.
  21. Uuuuuuh let me check my stash. Im not sure if I have one of those.
  22. Now that Im going to school full time I think I only have one OEM set left.
  23. Yeah once I pulled up the thread I saw they were a little wilder than you posted, but figured I would throw the link up just in case.
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