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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. This goes on auction this weekend:
  2. We hadnt planned on making shirts with that designs... you can get L4 shirts from Farmer (though they are just black and white). We didnt want to encroach upon his already established sales. We had considered some printed stickers with just the engine though. Yes, S30 designs are in the works. We are contemplating making a design similar to the 510 one we released where it shows side profiles of each model... I dont know how well that would work as, at least to me, all S30s look the same with very minor differences. Would look weird with the same design three times in a row. We are always open to customer feedback and suggestions for designs so if there are people that have specifics for a model, shoot us a PM and we can see what we can work out.
  3. He may not be working on his own car, but he does lend a hand and lets me use his garage... so I think we can let it slide.
  4. So US 68/69 markers arent even an option?
  5. http://youtu.be/Y9lsrV3ndRw
  6. Not trance, but theres isnt a general EDM thread...
  7. Nu uh... youre a bro. Hmmmph
  8. If youre a bitch... real men support bumper exit exhausts. I used to have a 4in diameter exhaust that came from the turbo and then exited like 8 inches away through my front bumper... the military gate guards hated it when I drove on base because they would have to stand directly in it to check my ID.
  9. 75/25 Just seemed you were taken aback and appalled over something that really makes no difference. Conforming to something thats purely aesthetic doesnt change how the car drives and such. I tried looking for additional pictures to see if the routing could be explained, but only saw the one across the Internet. I like everything about the notch-back Celicas except for the inset headlights. Front end looks horribly incomplete for me. Ruins it enough for me to never buy one... saving grace would be one of the bos-esque full front healight covers.
  10. Whats the backway for you? Im going through Shelton... (maybe) Edit: Apparently I forgot how to map. I thought this was near Elma and not Tenino. Guess Ill take the regular way down and not go through Shelton... I dont know.
  11. http://www.youtu.be/UeBFEanVsp4 Heres a pretty decent djent band thats a pretty new... gets a little slow in parts for my taste, but Im sure some the "not as heavy" fans will like it so Im sharing: http://www.youtu.be/Z38EuVhXzZ8
  12. Something I hadnt heard before... from Taiwan. Love the Asian influenced clean vocals and use of erhu: http://www.youtu.be/a5z-AOdCAx8 Kalmah still killing it after all these years http://www.youtu.be/RcxlexAJycY
  13. So glad these guys got back together last year: http://www.youtu.be/01qiEmrZTKw
  14. Sad to see someone leave the game, but I know he needed something better to commute. Will be interesting to see him move all his stuff on the bike though haha.
  15. Yeah they cant honestly think people will take them serious. I dig them too. Id drive a Mazda Carol any day of the week too... cool little cars.
  16. I hadnt heard that, but I did hear that there was suppose to be another sedan in the regular series... no word on additional wagons though.
  17. Not as crazy as their older stuff, but I still dig it: http://www.youtu.be/QqjChIgzP5Y
  18. http://www.youtu.be/KKPDzEus88s
  19. http://www.youtu.be/4aFCGTdub6M
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