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Damn her.

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So, it was a normal Sunday. The wife and I were on our way to eat at the in-laws for lunch. We stop at a red light in town. Out of no where the most beautiful, ugly, rusted, white 4 door 510 station wagon pulls up beside us. There aren't many Datsuns around here (say Z cars), let alone a 510. I got half chub and tried to get her to roll her window down so I could holler at him. She didn't of course or there would be pics of my new ride on here. She said his window isn't even down(read it in a whiny voice). I said so it will be if I yell loud enough. No, you have to many cars already(again whiny voice). She stalled long enough that the light turned green and said oh well, as he sped off in my car. This happened 2 weeks ago and I haven't seen the car since. Damn her.

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Yeah no shit. She had our daughter walking around in her panties last night with the big window in the front of the house wide open. Explanation when I questioned it "she spilled on herself and I didn't want her tracking it through your house" so I was like "so she should walk around in her panties with the window open for the world to see?"





Response? "Oh, I didn't think about that"






Now, I don't know if there's any pedos in my neighborhood but I'd much rather not find out the way she was trying to

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Honestly I wish my daughter would realize her mother is worthless and we could finish the chapter of mommy and her idiocy. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm stuck dealing with my horrible choice in a partner for the rest of my daughters life, looking forward to 18 when I don't have to see her so much except special occasions.

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Yea Id say im lucky.my girlfroend love doin the datsun thing and supports me dumping money into the pits.and what ever I wana do really...today she told me to pull the trigger on a toolbox so when the box os paid off maybe ill start lookin into a ring...........maybe.

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Pics or it didn't happen.



OP, was she driving, too? Should have followed the guy if you were that serious. Pussed out

No pics. Yes she was driving. The brand new 2015 Toyota Camry I went in debt for to get her. I'm just kidding about the supportive thing somewhat. She is a keeper. Doesn't waste money, feeds me and my boy, and keeps the house clean so daddy can watch the youtubes, play a little rust, and talk to you wackos.:P

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Yea Id say im lucky.my girlfroend love doin the datsun thing and supports me dumping money into the pits.and what ever I wana do really...today she told me to pull the trigger on a toolbox so when the box os paid off maybe ill start lookin into a ring...........maybe.

100% of all divorce is caused by marriage. Don't ruin a good relationship by getting married.

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