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well that was fun..

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Went to one of my best friends weeding today. It was at a nice lake front camping resort. It was raining until we got there and it was nice. I got bored with the usual DJ dancin wedding crap so I went off to go fishing. On my way down I passed two friends who said the grooms boat was taking on some water. I thought whatever,until I saw it actually sink. I had my dog and we ran over to help. Both motors under with both 6 gallon fuel tanks and all gear. One tank let loose and started to leak fuel like mad so we pulled as hard as we could to get it up so I could reach down and dislodge it and pull it out. We then tied it to another boat and cut it free with hopes we could drag it horizontal. The towing boat had hardly any pull to it and could not steer so we spent a while just getting it towards shore and began to drag it up enough to tie off the back side to drag the stern up enough to start bailing it out.

Its hard to explain how seriously crazy this was. It took over an hour but it felt like 10 minutes from the adrenaline. When we got it close to shore it began raining like CRAZY..2 guys went swimming to get things tied off. Somewhere along the line I hurt myself pretty bad. I dont know if I cracked a rib but it feels like it. Soaked and in massive pain we packed up and went home. Glad I got some vicodan yesterday for an ear infection. So thats why I am on Ratsun on a saturday night.

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