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So today i was cruising with my friend and as a joke i put the pedal to tge metal to show him how "fast" my wagon was (first time ever floored) lol. After i did that my throttle stayed high and drove like that for a second then shutoff and cgecked the carb. I thought thrttle was stuck open but examined and looked fine. Gave the wagon a ten min break and turned it on and drove home wth idle high and randomly bogs at stop light. Tampered with throttle screw and lowered idle a bit but still high. Also now when i urn car off it bogs down like my friends 510. Suggestions?

PS:sorry if dumb question, new to the carb life

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First time floored.


Secondary may have stick open a hair... hard to see without a flashlight. Must be completely closed. Just pull down on it.


Fast idle linkage may have stuck on. Spray everything on the back of the carb with carb cleaner or WD-40 and work the linkages. Hold throttle part open and check that the choke plate is free to open and close.


Because you turned the idle speed down, it may not idle now and need turning up.

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First time floored.


Secondary may have stick open a hair... hard to see without a flashlight. Must be completely closed. Just pull down on it.


Fast idle linkage may have stuck on. Spray everything on the back of the carb with carb cleaner or WD-40 and work the linkages. Hold throttle part open and check that the choke plate is free to open and close.


Because you turned the idle speed down, it may not idle now and need turning up.

Secondary what may have stuck open a bit? thanks

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The Hitachi carb is a two barrel design. The primary is for low speed and part throttle and the secondary for full throttle high speed driving.  The second barrel may be part stuck open. The primary barrel is usually closest to the engine side, secondary further away.

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Thanks for the info datzenmike, i found out what it was ! When I accelerated i finished up clogging my filthy (extremely) fuel filter and only some fuel was getting dripped into my carb and also the throttle got stuck! I simply got a new filter and tampered with the throttle screw and everything seems back to normal ! Thanks for the help! 

The Hitachi carb is a two barrel design. The primary is for low speed and part throttle and the secondary for full throttle high speed driving.  The second barrel may be part stuck open. The primary barrel is usually closest to the engine side, secondary further away.



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