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Cam Sprocket Gear removal


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Hey Guys,


I'm replacing my head gasket, and I can't seem to get the cam sprocket gear off. 


I am wondering how and if I have to take tensions out of the chain to do this.


And it also looks like the cam gear may be connected to a metal piece towards the pistons which would require me to lift it up about a half inch to even attempt to remove it - it's almost a large washer that fits into a slot to hold everything in place.


Any tips on this?




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I hope you're not trying to do this without a repair manual.  Otherwise you're gonna have all sorts of problems.


1) If you don't have the timing chain wedged securely, stop.  The chain is tensioned down below, and you MUST maintain tension on the chain below the guides EVEN WITH THE HEAD OFF.


2) The sprocket comes off without much fuss.  Remove the big bolt, then whack the back of the sprocket  with a deadblow hammer (with chain attached) and it'll pop off.  Then take the sprocket out of the now loose UPPER chain, the wedge holds the rest of the chain tensioned to the crank sprocket but more importantly keeps the tensioner compressed.  Because once that tensioner pops out, you're doing a timing cover R&R.



3) That "large washer" holds the camshaft itself in place, not the sprocket.

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Hainz (Bonsai510) put up some excellent videos regarding this repair. I can't remember the link, but the search function may pull it up. I would recommend watching his videos, they should clear up any questions you have. Anyone got the link handy?

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Perfect thanks! 


I do have the Chiltons and the Haynes - although I am very new so I could be misreading...


From my understanding - the chain is still attached to the sprocket gear as you remove the sprocket gear


At this point you put the tensioner in (I have a twelve inch long 1 inch in diameter wooden dowel to prop the timing chain up with)


And I thought the most important part was not to let the chain fall off the bottom gear - which does seem tricky to take the sprocket gear off without doing that.. never used a deadblow hammer though.

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Good luck! remember, it's not the chain coming off the bottom gear you need to worry about. The chain tensioner is like midway up the timing cover. Make sure it's wedged in place or the tensioner will fall into the oil pan, and you'll be practicing your collection of cuss words :D

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Hainz (Bonsai510) put up some excellent videos regarding this repair. I can't remember the link, but the search function may pull it up. I would recommend watching his videos, they should clear up any questions you have. Anyone got the link handy?


Some of us learned back in the pre-internet days that the chain can your enemy and your lover.


This one is number one in a series , if you have never done a Datsun Lhead watch them.. They are pretty long winded at times,,,  :poke: ,, :lol: ,,  but the time you use watching may save you quite a bit of headaches.




The dude in video has this in full length with no interuptions , but the amateur porno site that used to host it shut down so i'm not sure where it is posted now......... i wish i was joking.

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