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New to 720s need help

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Hi new to this forum and new to 720s. Well basicaly I picked up this truck for a really good deal as commuter truck didnt get drivin very often anymore sat more than anything till I got it. its a 85 2wd 5 speed z24 carb. Ive been driving the truck for about a month now and seems pretty fine to drive well yesturday I was on my way home and started running like crap ill take off seems fine than as soon as i shift to 2nd it wants to bog out and has no power i can keep driving but every gear just wants to bog and gutless. I can start and it will idle fine can rev it hold rpms fine in nutral but as soon as driving it it wants to bogg under load? anyone have any suggestions on what to check or what chould be wrong? Thinking maybe fuel filter of carb problem?

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Could be fuel filter, carb issue, or like mine did recently, a misfire. My 720 recently had a broken plug wire which made it bog and lose power.  I would start by checking the Spark plugs and wires as well as the fuel filter and carb air/fuel adjustment screw and choke.

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i had this problem a few months ago. i was going 45mph in 4th and it started bogging out like it was starving for gas. it died on me a few times. i pulled over and it would start just fine but as soon as i was hitting 45 it started doing it again. so over the weekend i took off my fuel filter, blew out my fuel system with my air compressor and put in new filters. runs like a dream! i spilt open my old fuel filter and it had all fallen apart and all the rubber was clogging the lines. my advice to you is try changing  the fuel filters and see if that does the trick

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yup, fuel filter, or your pump could be dieing, tune up prob needed too... problematic filter is on the pump, if you ask for one at the counter they wont give you the right one, and they dont tell you where it is at. follow fuel door down to the pump, remove bottom, watch rust and crap roll out, lol.

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I had this happen to my Z22 a month or so ago. Running in 5th uphill, bog, downshift all the way down to second uphill and the thing was barely running. I got the truck home and it ran ok just so long I wasn't under much load (or going up hill).

Changed the fuel filter in the driveway and the truck hasn't starved for fuel since. My filter was full of sludge. Who knows how long it had been on there? I didn't change the filter on the pump itself though. Just the white plastic one in rear fenderwell.

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