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what carburetor to buy ?


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Rebuild the one on it. Gives the best economy/performance and drive ability. Fits without mods and everything fits it. Anything else you loose economy and drive ability. You need adapter plate(s) to bolt it up. The replacement carb must have an idle cut solenoid and preferably an electric choke. The air filter is unlikely to fit and if Utah gets cold in the winter you won't have heated air for the cab and the carb will ice up.


If you've just have to get another, buy a new Weber 32/36 from Redline. They're just under $300 but, you get everything needed to bolt it up. It's sold as a direct replacement carb so it comes with.... nuts, bolts, adapter plate, gaskets, linkage, even a little chrome air filter. Yeah you can find them for less but probably off a '77 Vega and has been rebuilt 8 times by 12 people who left parts out. Then you have to find an adapter plate, make some gaskets, fuck with the jetting, without an air filter, throttle shaft is worn and leaks vacuum so it never does idle properly, has electric choke but no idle cut so you motor diesels on shut off.......... had enough?

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Yeah the stock carb works well when in good condition, but it's hard to find one in good condition these days and in my opinion is more complicated than the Weber. The weber dgv or dgev is probably a cheaper option as they still make them new and they are fairly common used but Webers are sensitive to shaft play wear as well, so be careful if looking for a used one.

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