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Weber carb install help


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Hey guys, Im new to Datsuns and carbs. This is actually the first car I have had that is carburated so I'm not really sure on what goes where. When I bought the car it didnt have a carb on it, so the lines weren't connected to anything so I couldnt do the pull off and replace kind of thing. I took some pictures and marked the lines, color coded a couple to identify easier. there is a couple im pretty sure I know where they go but I would like some reassurance, clarity if you will. thanks ahead of time for your help. I feel kind of dumb, but Im new and I guess you gotta start somewhere.


510, l16, weber dgev


so heres a couple pics marked, where do i put these babies??





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Either the BLUE or the PINK goes back to the fuel pump and it should go onto the carb fitting right there. The other may be a return line. For now connect the pump hose to the carb. If later you have flooding issues you'll have to rig up the return line. Put a screw in the end to cap it.


The GREEN and ORANGE hoses are part of the emissions system for drawing gas fumes from the tank and running them through the intake to burn them. For now just leave.








Well in this picture the right hand hose with the bolt in is should be connected to a a pipe from the thermostat housing and then go down across the front of the motor to the lower rad hose where it goes into the water pump. This is part of the intake warming using hot coolant from the head. The car will run better with this connected.


The small red hose probably is a vacuum source to the air filter housing. There is a vacuum motor that regulates a flap door in the snorkel to mix warmed air from the hot exhaust manifold maintaining it at about 90 degrees??? this constant air temperature make the motor run more consistent and will prevent carb icing on cold damp days..


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Thank you DatzenMIke, that clears up everything for me. I had a couple of the obvious figured out. I was unsure of the emissions lines you said not to connnect. I didnt know if that was gonna play a valuable part in the carb running right, like a vacuum line or something.  The water line that runs from the left side of the motor across the front is a hard line correct? mine is cut and pinched closed. so I'll have to fix that.   Thank you again. I appreciate your quick and detailed response 

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