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New D21! Looky what I have!


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I finally decided against using the 510 for rally duty, seeing as I'm spending so much time and effort on it. It's back on track to becoming a pretty autocross car. A fast autocross car also. Traded the yellow 510 for this truck, it needs some rust repair, this one needs work, so in the end it worked out perfectly.


I'll be getting this running before too long. Need to check out chump car's penalties list to decide what I'm going to do for the motor. The Datsun guru pointed out I could race cheaper in chump car and get lots of seat time vs. rally, so might as well start that route first. I thought that sounded swell, so that's the plan. See if I can't get this going for a chumpcar maybe by next year and play around. If I have enough luck with that, we'll graduate to rally afterwards.







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Yep! It's a Z24. Depending on chump car rules, I may just keep the Z24 and raise the compression quite a bit, go for torque. I supposedly came with a 4 speed oddly enough. I didn't even think that was an option in '88. I'll have to do some conferring with the Asian tranny expert, lol! Hey Mike! :D

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