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Any cool vehicles or parts in Qld, Australia?

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I am getting a container from Brisbane, Queensland to England. Mostly 620 related stuff so far. Looking to fill up some gaps with anything interesting / good deals . Do you have any old cars or parts near Brisbane for sale, if so, hit me with what you've got. Gearboxes? Engine? Body panels? Cool wheels? Bumpers? Old Ford stuff considered , in fact, try me with anything, and if I think someone might need it here in the UK I could be interested. Drop me a message, or my land line number is +44 1342 321000.


Thanks for reading!

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  • 2 months later...

He's not getting any of my treasures :)


Will, as suggested, try the following Aussie websites:




























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Problem is all my goodies are 510 stuff.


620's whilst not impossible to find, are generally getting a lot harder to get hold of at a reasonable price.


Some more links for will:




Wow, fuck me, stop the press!!!




Cheap, and only two suburbs from me !


It's 7am here, phone call to be made this morning!!!! Problem is add end date says 8 July. Sadly I have a feeling this may have gone to the scrapyard :(


Not sure if this one is gold plated !










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