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Song for Japan

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Finally! After a year in the making, The Song for Japan is ready for download! Portland, Oregon musicians got together to make a song for the people of Japan in the wake of the disaster last year. All proceeds for this song go to the Japan Red Cross. For everyone involved, I am honored and proud to have worked with you! Please "share" this with all your friends and hopefully they will download. Thank you all for lending your talent and time for this worthy cause.




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Meaning it may help the red cross now but seriously, the people who really needed help, needed it a year ago. In this day and age of home computers and digital recording it takes a year to crank this out? A great opportunity for those people late to the game to feel warm and fuzzy, so what if only 30% gets where it's supposed to? I've seen this before. Somewhere, sometime, where ever there is a buck to be made, somebody will be selling tickets to Armageddon. It's a day late and a dollar short.

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You have no idea how hard I have worked on this song. Yes, if it was just me and the studio, it would have been done inside of the first month I started it. There have been over 28 people involved in 4 different states. I had to wait on so many people to get their part done. Then many people dropped off at the last minute and had to reschedule other people. Vacations, work, money, etc......was alot of set backs. I personally have spent many dollars on this project and in no way make a profit from it. The people of Japan will take years to recover from this---what effort have you put forth? I didnt do this to feel "warm and fuzzy" and I am offended by your comment. I am happy this has finally come out--better late than never--espessially since its been a frustrating year of other people's time frames. Next time, I'll do it all myself and jump on the band wagon early so I can feel warm and fuzzy right away--

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Not clear on what you mean, but if you got an idea for how the proceeds can better help, Im all ears. Cdbaby, Amazon, and iTunes all take thier cutt......I wish I could do more.I almost moved over there a few years ago. I have many friends there and was glad they were ok, yet very sad for the loss of even one life. This effort started out as a fun project, but ended up a labor of love. I learned alot about "colaborating" and what not to do next time.

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Pretty sure what Mike is saying is that people, rather than donating directly or helping in some way, buy a shirt or a sticker that "donates" to the cause. Whereas only a minuscule percentage of the amount paid actually goes towards the cause, the other amount is pocketed. Just pretty sure though.

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Sadly, alot of that is true. They charge for the "convenience" of distribution and if I could just sell the song without them and reach the masses, I would and send ALL the proceeds. My idea was like the DIO Hear-n-Aid song from the 80's. Just wish I had the avenue to reach some big time producers or such........ I posted here for my fellow Ratsuners to enjoy and participate in helping the land of the Datsun. I was awed when so many on here helped a man go see his injured son--even if they didnt know him. I did and would do it again. That, gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling to see this community pull together and give what they could. That's what promted me to post here, the kindred spirit. So, instead of you guys buying the download, how about sending cash? I'll provide the link to the rght source confirmed by my friends in Japan.

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