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Import Alliance 2012 Pictures

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As some of you know, I've been picking up on amateur photography the last year or so. I'm improving little by little, but I'd like some feedback on this next set of pictures. EX: whatever you like most or see that needs improvement. You don't have to be a photographer, just pick your favorite and least favorite and tell me why, so I can improve upon them...





For those that don't know what Import Alliance is, it's very simple. It's one of the biggest Import showdown's on the east coast. Import Alliance has been going on for a few years now, but our recent meet in Atlanta @ Turner Field was the biggest to date. Datsun's, Toyota's and everything in between showed up to have a little fun.


I got there around 8.AM ish. By around 2pm Atlanta PD had started kicking people out of the meet. According to one of the APD officers, the permit we had was for 4000 people. We had around 16,000 people. This single meet had a larger attendance then all of last years meets across the country put together. The Atlanta car scene is growing, especially the old school scene. We all love oics, so here's a few pictures that I snapped from the recent meet.





Goonie by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




Herrafrush by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-4 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-5 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-7 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-11 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-15 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-16 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-19 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr




WTA-1-21 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr





Just to show you how big IA was....





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damn really gonna have to make it next year!!! Looks like a great turnout. Maybe next year the two 620s and the 510 will be done.

The fall meet is coming man! You're gonna have to be there. Also, the NC meet may have a big attendance from the GA guys


Hmmm Decent photos... I will ask a couple questions before I give my comments


1. What camera/lenses do you use?

2. What software do you use to edit?


The camera is a Nikon D3100. I used the 18-55mm kit lens and on the longer shots, a Soligor 135mm with a skylight filter.


All the editing was done in Adobe Lightroom 3.5. Probably should have spent more time with it though. lol

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First impressions, and it may be my monitor, but you have some really low contrast in some of the pics and then really high contrast in others. Take the goon shot. I almost can't make out the details on the side of the wagon. The S15 shot is the same way. If you have a pop up flash or an off camera strobe, try using it as a fill in. I don't know how much control you have over the on camera flash, but if you do, see if it will fire at 1/4 to 1/3 full power. It should give you enough pop to bring out the details in the shadows without washing the blacks or blowing out the highlights, making it look unnatural. Over all, the shots show good composition and nice thought. I really like the second shot. Super nice balance between the highlights and the shadows. The white is almost overexposed, which is perfect. Of course this comes from a photog who hasn't really taken any pics in quite some time, just too burned out from the full time photo gig to go out and play.


Oh yeah, don't be afraid to get up close and personal. I tend to shoot, when shooting for fun, with two or three prime lenses, a 24mm, 50mm and 135/200mm. Most of the time, I am only a couple of feet away from what I am shooting.

Also, try changing your angle as well. It looks like most of the pics you posted were from shoulder(tourist) height. Get low, get high, zoom with your feet. Use reflections, angle things up. Look for the unseen. In the third photo, I would have maybe moved out to the double yellow line and ducked down a bit. Moving that way might have removed the man-made monstrosity of a gate and lined the cars up a bit more. It would have also emphasized the curve a bit more.

Next, try doing it all in the camera. Worst thing about photoshop/lightroom/gimp etc is you can fix things in post. Learn to fix it in the camera first and then worry about photoshopping the heck out of it. If you create most of what you want in the camera, there is less work in photoshop. (sorry this is coming from an FOG who still hasn't bought an autofocus camera, hell, I shoot with Leica and Contax rangefinders)

Again, nice pics and good start.

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Thank you sir for the suggestions!


As far as the lighting, I've been looking into getting a different off camera strobe or attachable flash, because I can't control the output of the pop up flash, so i can't use it as fill light It's way too overbearing. Datsun parts are keeping from from that at the moment. I appreciate your suggestions!


As far as the odd differences in contrast, i'm not sure if you're familiar with Nikon in particular, but my Nikon has Active dynamic lighting that controls contrast and I forgot to turn it off prior to the meet. I wasn't in tune with the camera at this meet, so I kinda dropped the ball on some of the pictures.

I'm always trying to improve on my technique. I've gotten a lot better about manipulating my shots VIA the camera rather then tinkering on the PC but practice makes perfect.


I've gotten to the point where now I'm able to shoot everything in completely manual more (other then focus.) I do however have some manual lens's that I use occasionally. I have a nice 200mm lens that I didn't bring to this meet.



I'm trying to talk my mother out of her 1930's Leicha for a day so I can get it repaired and shoot some cool film pictures of my truck. I have the light meters and original len's, but there's no way that will work.






Heres a few pictures from the previous days meet in this thread. There's quite a big difference IMO between my two days pictures. If you could give me a little feedback on these pictures, I'd greatly appreciate it. You give good constructive criticism.



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I will agree with what was already said. I am on a calibrated monitor though and the pictures dont look any better. My big tip for these specific pictures is that you need to tone down your post processing. Since these are just suppose to be nice looking "snapshots" then all you want your PP to do is make sure the picture matches what your eye saw IRL. Dont go all crazy making hyper-colors by jacking up the saturation/vibrancy. Take a look at pictures 5 and 7.... that sky is ridiculous. I can guarantee that the sky didnt look like that. Also, look at number 8. Look how flat (dynamically) the truck is, where as the rims and background just scream at you. You really dont want the background to be that bold, because it takes away from the main subject. You have a bunch of reflections that would be nice to get rid of. I dont know if you shoot with quality (or any) filters, but I would look at picking up a nice polarizer. You will get skies that look a billion times better and it will cut down on a bunch of reflections in the paint and glass.


That would be my addition to the critique.


I will go over the link stuff tomorrow when I wake up. Its 1240 here and I just got home from work, but I figured I would give you a little heads up. Since youre shooting Nikon I would suggest checking out Nikonians.org as well as FredMiranda.com/forum

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If you go to a dealership in Atlanta, I'll assure to you that they will treat you very well. They will work with you to make sure you end up getting the ideal car at the right price. There are a lot of brands that you can choose from the city, a couple of which are Scion and Toyota. Getting the ideal vehicle may not be that much work if you go to the right place. You will be happy with the dealership you find at: Atlanta Scion.

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