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WTB: 38mm Hitachi SU pair, carbs only

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In a bit of a funny pickle here. I've been buying up mismatched sets of SSS carbs for a little while now and have acquired most every single piece needed to make one full set. The one primary component that I'm still missing are the two Hitachi 38mm carbs themselves. I need a nice, matching front and rear pair together with their matching floats. Not interested in British SUs or 46mm Z car SUs of any ilk and no mismatched sets please. I want to drive my 510 around this summer, and this is the last bit I need at the moment.


I don't care if the 38mm SUs are flat tops or round tops. I also don't mind if they are dirty or haven't been used in dozens of years. I'm decently proficient at rebuilding them by now. I pretty much have all of the other little necessary bits including the linkage kit, return springs, heat shield, intake manifold, fittings, isolators, the correct water tubes, the fuel distribution line, etc... I only need a decent, matching pair of carbs with floats & all the choke linkage intact. The only other thing I'm looking for is a good condition, correct air cleaner housing. I have a home made aluminium jobber that will work in the interim, but an original would be nice to acquire somewhere down the road.


If you've got a set, let me know. I'll have to see some pictures to make sure they're what I'm after, and if the identification numbers are still intact on the sides of the float chambers (flat spot on the far end), it'd be awesome to know those too.

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