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Japanese Nostalgic Car Magazine


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I paid for a two year subscription for this magazine two years ago. I was sent, at the time I subscribed, the latest issue which was old then and I've never heard from them again. Is this company still printing magazines? I feel that they took my money and I'm screwed.


The magazine I got was beautiful! I was very excited to see the up-coming issues but I never heard from them again. Any info on this company?

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I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I talked with them at JCCS about this. They got screwed by the economy like the rest of us. Their advertisers bailed on them, other costs went up, and as of last October they simply don't have the money to cover the costs of printing. They're still there, and still want to put the magazines out, but need to find a financially workable way to do it. They never meant to "take the money and run". I just hope that things pan out, and they can continue this venture. Till then I'm just letting my subscription ride, in the hopes that I'll receive more issues someday.

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they asked on their forum for feedback on what to do for future issues, whether an anuual print edition, an online version etc...






from the thread



A lot of you have had questions about Vol 05 and the future of JNC Mag. We are sorry for the delay and are just as eager to see it in print as you. We have plenty of awesome content but are facing difficulty getting funding for the magazine, so that's the main cause for the delay.


We have ideas on where we want to take JNC in the future. We wanted to come to a decision before reporting to subscribers, but because that will take time, here's the thought process that we are working through.


1. It costs just under $20,000 to print a run of one issue and mail it out. That's with all of us — writers, photographers, graphic artists and moderators to keep the website running — putting in our time and effort for free. What advertising we have, plus the subscription money, isn't enough to cover the costs thus far.


2. We will be going to SEMA in November to drum up more support. We report on SEMA, but our main reason for going is to try to find companies who are interested in advertising. This often takes a lot of followup meetings and phone calls, so it will take time to see if we are successful.


3. Depending on our success rate, JNC has the following options.


A. Web only. This is our least favorite option, because the web doesn't allow for artistic layouts that capture the spirit of these cars, and with the nostalgic subject the medium should be a magazine. However, if we released all the content we have for the mag onto our website, it would a kick ass blog. Think Motormavens or Speedhunters but with all nostalgics.


B. A smaller version of JNC. We would cut the page count by over half (down to 25-30) and print on lower quality paper in order to save costs. It would look more like a newsletter and be staple-bound rather than book-bound.


C. Keep the current style of JNC but make it a yearly special. Kind of like the special edition Nostalgic Heros available in Japan.


4. Subscriptions cover only a very small part of the total cost, and each time one gets lost in the mail or someone moves and forgets to change their address that entire subscription is a wash. For more explanation see this link.


5. We are using all the proceeds from Decal and Shirt sales to fund Vol 05 of JNC but advertising is still the key.


6. We have yet to determine a compensation plan. We will probably give subscribers a choice continuing to receive JNC if it's B or C, or getting some kind of credit for shop items. This is not final and again dependent on what kind of revenue we can get after SEMA.



So that's how the sausage is made. We didn't want to have to show you, but since it's out there let's hear your input. The other threads pertaining to Issue 5 have been locked so we can have everything in one spot. Thanks.

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