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Living in a van in maui

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Haha. Good luck Rally! You can doo eeet

Thanks brah I'm doin every kine thing I can thinkah! Juss mekin it brah. Ha I have noooo chance of ever picking up pidgin. I've called on rental and had talked to people and literally couldn't understand a word it was weird but kinda cool. Like I said I definitely recommend Maui to anyone if any of you ratsuners wind up here look me up I'll see what I can do to show you around or help you out.

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I'll be there most of January and Feb. Got a big kitchen job up in Wailuku. I'll ping you when I get on island. There is some guy in a sick 521 running around. Saw it a couple of times in April when I was over getting the job rolling. Tried to catch up but traffic is a bitch at times. I got a couple of contacts up in Lahaina if you want to do some resort work. PM me if you want a phone #.

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Ok so we found a place. I took out an add on craigslist and we got a bunch of replys some flake wanted 1400 to live in a yurt in the middle of nowhere an it didn't even have water a bathroom or electric. If I was going to live in a tent I sure wouldn't pay 1400 bucks for it when I could buy one at that price. We wound up in Wailea and the landlord got my girlfriend a job cleaning condos at $25 bucks an hour. (beats 8 bucks makin pizzas) and I was offered a job on the grounds crew landscaping but I will need to look more into that. Things are looking up but we are still in the van until mid January no work etc. Hopefully some other work comes up in the field I went to school for but for now looks like it will work out. I gotta pay six months in advance for the place at 950 a month so I will be officially broke. Like ultra broke. I will be back for a month from December until January 15th so if any local Washington coast guys need some odd jobs done I'd be happy to help out. Thanks again ratsun I'll be keeping my eyes out for another dato

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You wound up in the most expensive part of the island?

Yeah :P we got dressed up and got the place but our landlord is super rich and keeps inviting us to do rich things in the future I feel like she thinks we have money and we don't. Her dad owns Marcos Italian restaurant and caffe and she just took us out to a fifty dollar dinner. Holy shit how is this happening?! I'm going to get pics up of all this madness once im back on a computer so dec 20th.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok excuse the link posting but i only have a quick second. just got back into washington for a few weeks until we move back on the 17th. maui is super expensive to move to with a dog. my girlfriend and i managed to drop 10k in our first week there. aka a years worth of savings. :P but a break down of the cash ended up being 1200 to rent the van another 500 is gas. 500 on food and 7k on rent and the rest was on a surfboard various gifts for christmas and those damn overpriced Mac nuts everyone wants for xmas. lol

ok here is the album on the lady friends facebook


and again sorry for you non facebookers. i think the album is open to the public? idk i dont facebook much of nothing. if there are any hangups i can try and fix it later just gotta jet for now

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