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I am not disabled so I don't know how it feels, but my personal beleif is that if you have 2 legs and they work, you have to park where everyone else parks. If you have back or leg problems which makes it almost impossible to walk the few extra feet, then you can be an exception. But when you insist on having a handicapped spot because you are disabled, then I see you taking a grand tour of Walmart and scootin by like it doesn't phase you, fuck you. There are limited accessible spots for disabled people, save them for the people in wheel chairs and the elderly who can't walk. Oh you only have one arm? Fuck off, you walk with your legs.


I understand back and leg problems, my dad has had them being a disabled vet my whole life and I do know how painful they can be, but he always said as long as his legs worked, he was not handicapped. I'm not judging you Dan or directing any of this at you, you seem to have a good thought process about handicapped spaces. It's the dickheads like this guy I know who uses his brothers placard everywhere just so he can park in front. His brother lost a leg and has a prosthetic and NEVER parks in a disabled spot, but the perfectly able fat piece of shit abuses it every chance he gets.

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^ See thats something that pisses me off to. SOme doctors hand the placards out WAY to easily, while others wont. One doctor i had that worked with my main doctor looked and said, you still have a leg, you dont need a fucking placard, and i looked at teh guy and said i can walk for a few minuites and need to take a break, im not fine. My doctor then came into the room and i asked him and he said fine, i gave his assistant doctor or intern whatever the fuck he was the finger in the room. Safe to say that doctor got let go from his practice at providence because the guy was a dipshit.

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