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How long for Oregon DMV to Purge VINs from system?

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If I'm looking at a vehicle that hasn't been registered for 20+ years according to whom is in possession of the car. I believe, as I had to go cutting through what looked like 20 years worth of vegetation grown around the said vehicle. According to the landowner, it was a buddy of his, and they took it there years ago, but since then, they had a "falling out". There is no title, or information with the vehicle.

I am wondering, does anyone know about how long it takes for the DMV to purge old, un-registered vehicles from their system? Maybe they don't at all.. I have read about where other states, such as California would do it, but every state is different, I know. If it is purged, it's as simple as making sure the vehicle hasn't been reported as stolen, etc.. , getting a bill of sale(possibly have an affidavit signed) from the landowner, and going into the DMV, or is there more to it than that? I've had to track down PO's before, but this seems like a bit more work than I want to deal with. If that be the case, I'll just go through a Title Service.

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I'll have to ask my boss. I'm sure this isn't completely accurate but it's something like; a registered letter to the owner. If it's returned (which is likely if you use an old or bad address) you have to wait 30 (might be 60 or 90) days, file the abandoned vehicle paperwork. Take said lien paperwork to DMV and get a title. The car is yours.

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In about 2007 i took in a signed and dated title that had not been tagged since 1979 and I got a title in my name with no problems. But i do beleive that it was out of the system, just by the way the counter girl reacted to it and the paperwork that she did. But was not a problem to get me a title, I didnt get tags for it though, So this trucks last set of tags in 81 assuming two year tags.

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I'm pretty sure that you can present a bill of sale and claim a lost title. If there's something up, the DMV will let you know. I would tell the seller that the purchase of the vehicle is contigent on you being able to register the vehicle. I would hope that they aren't going to be shitty about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently the vehicle has been purged. I called today with the VIN and confirmed that. I think it gets a little trickier than that here.. the lady said the owner needs to come in and have them search the purged records, etc.. I'm sure there's another way to get this done.

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