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Quit my job...

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Skib you have a correct work ethic even if you don't give a shit about the company. Show up, do your job, do it right and get it done... good enough. If you actually like your job, well that's a bonus.



Thats how Kelly is. He started at the store hes at now at minimum wage. within a couple months he had gotten like $2 in raises and was put in charge of the night freight crew. He had no prior grocery store experience so they started him low. He has the best work ethic I have ever seen in a person, even though he'd rather be working with cars or construction type work, he still puts his all into his job. His higer ups love him though. Whenever theres a cut in hours he stays closest to 40. When they need extra help they call him and he gets the overtime. In some situations it really does pay off to bust your ass.

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Thats how Kelly is. He started at the store hes at now at minimum wage. within a couple months he had gotten like $2 in raises and was put in charge of the night freight crew. He had no prior grocery store experience so they started him low. He has the best work ethic I have ever seen in a person, even though he'd rather be working with cars or construction type work, he still puts his all into his job. His higer ups love him though. Whenever theres a cut in hours he stays closest to 40. When they need extra help they call him and he gets the overtime. In some situations it really does pay off to bust your ass.



Good for Kelly! Onwards and upwards!

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This is why I hate the civil service, especially school systems... They don't respect talent , work ethic, innovation, blood,sweat, and tears... They only respect seniority. And with all the rrsps/401k's that took a nosedive during the current depression , the fat dead wood teachers at the top won't retire until they absolutely have to, even if they don't want to be there. They are tragically in it for the money, even if the money is lousy, because it's better than retiring when they should've and eating cat food because their retirement funds had dried up.


most jobs value seniority over ability, but maybe thats just my experience. i think its funny that teachers are being vilified while the talented CEOs that drove the economy into the ditch are getting tax breaks and subsidies for there companies that are 100 fold what every teachers pension combined would be.

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