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521 L/F brake Dragging

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Hello. Have a brake issue. After driving and stopping a few times, the Left front brake starts dragging bad. I jacked it up and took the drum off. The shoes are toast.


Heres the thing. It will release pressure from the wheel cylinder if it sets overnight. If i crack the bleeder, the thing closes fast as crap. Looks to be farily new as well.


My pops said on the the v/w's, the rubber line can collapse in on it self. Easy to get pressure thu it whit your foot but harder for the spring to do the same thing.


Any thoughts. Ive got one ordered(rubber brake line), but would like some of everyones thoughts.


All the other's are adj correctly and I adj the pedal where the master cylinder rod connects.





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The Law of Parsimony, also known as Occam' razor, suggests the the simplest answer is usually the correct one. In other words if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... it's more likely it's a duck than anything else. The flex lines have been known to separate inside and a flap of material act as a one way valve. I suppose that a piece of large rust flake could do the same but is much less likely.

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GFD!!!I changed the L/F brake hose(fixed da problem, yay!), then got cute and decided to do the other side....broke my fucking hard line....


What should I do folks???Couple websites say they have the part 46420-b0100 but everytime a site lists something for this truck, they normally dont carry it..ggrrrrrrrr


What are the thread sizes on the nuts????


Can I use a generic one such as this one? oriley


I rememeber threads that say we have goofy sizes on everything





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Save the threaded nut and slide it further up the line. Borrow a flair tool and re flair the line.


Or remove the line and measure the length. Take the threaded nut with you and look through the metric brake lines for a pre-made one no shorter than the one you need. Compare the end flairs and threads. Shouldn't be more that about $8. Copy the bends by using a round of wood to keep from kinking. Doesn't have to be perfect, just has to work.

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