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510 Project

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Hey Everyone,


I am blew the L-series motor in my '72 510 about eight years back and started along the path of swapping in a VG30E as a replacement. I bought a custom motor/tranny mount setup from a guy in Portland, OR who made them.


I dropped the engine in and it fit like a glove and I was pretty confident about everything. Then I became a little overly ambitious and I foolishly gutted the cars wiring with the intention of laying rewiring the entire thing from scratch and that proved to be my undoing.


Since then, I have worked on the car so little that I am pretty pissed off at myself. I have not had the time to adequately work on the car and get it back onto the road and driving again.


Right now the car is sitting in the garage at my brother's house and I am shipping him cash every month to rent the space. Bottom line is I love my Datsun 510 and I NEED to get it running and operational as my daily driver. I have another, much newer car, that is paid off and I am probably going to sell.


My plan is to pay somebody to get me over the hump of the wiring nightmare that currently haunts me. There are a couple of other minor things that need to be done mechanically but the big headache is the wiring.


Bottom line - I want to pay somebody in the Northwest Datsun community to work on my car. I am local to the Seattle area but I could go as far away as Portland if necessary. Is there a shop or individual familiar with Datsuns who is willing and able to do this? The work to be done is not THAT extensive but whoever took this on would need a space to do the work. As far as timing goes, I wouldn't need my car to be the number one priority but if I can have a drivable car in a few months it would be a dream come true and a godsend.


Is anybody interested or know someone who might be interested? I would sell my current vehicle which would give me the money I need to pay for the work.






P.S. Here's a couple of pictures



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"Icehouse" on here can possibley do it(at Franks place in Everett) if the stock harness is still intact and you have the new harness for the motor. NEED $$$$$$


"SRSANDS" is in the process of completed his VG swap


I always tell people this is not as EZ as one thinks to the novice mechanic. ERsp if you think its just going to be a 1 weel to a 3 month swap. It never is and most never get completed and another 510 off the road.


L motor head gasket is about a 3 hr swap.


Good luck. It can be done .


alsmost EZer to buy a WRX and make payments

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