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67 520 overcharging, after new regulator


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Hi, '67 520 just put a new interstate in and all was well for a few weeks.

Noticed the battery was venting and checked the fluid levels.

Battery had cooked down so added some distilled H2O.

Checked voltage while running and the it stayed constant @13.9DCV.

Installed a new regulator and now the voltage climbs to 14.9 when reved up.

Cleaned all the connectors with caig deoxit.

The battery is @13.5 when the truck is not running.

Please advise further troubleshooting.

Thanks in advance for your time and attention, Bill Berndt

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MY 521 was about 15volts and I always had battery acid comming from the battery.

This is before I had a volt meter in the truck. I ran it for a long time, After it ruined my chrome valve cover I fianlly put a meter on it. Notice a bulge on my battery too.If I had a sealed battery maybe I would have never noticed.But it keep leaking out the top and had to refill. If one vehicle has alot of acessories one can accidently regulatd it by having all thoese thing On and bring down the voltage abit.


I finally swapped a Volt reg and it was good ever since.


Most of my cars are about 13.5-13.8 volts maybe up to 14.1 or so if Im lucky.


If you load it down with a heater and lights and it DONT load down the voltage then the Volt reg is bad for sure.Esp if just a 35/50amper alternator.


The datsun book says one can adjust to theold mechanical Volt regs but I never figured it out.

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