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Do not buy from carbs unlimited very poor service


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don't really know where to post this, but oh well.


very very bad customer interaction, some guy named bob (who knows if that's his real name) gave me a huge attitude when I called and said that they were shipping to the wrong address (billing address). I thought I was going to be using my credit card so i put the billing address but once I saw they had a paypal option I went with that figuring that I could put in the shipping address in there and they would obviously see that on their receipt and figure it out right? wrong lol.


Idiot just kept saying "well you put this address for billing and that's it, so what do you think i'm going to ship to?"

"uhhh the different address that's on your payment receipt? that says "ship to:"

and he says "Am I paypal? do I look like paypal to you? what does paypal have to do with this?"

"well paypal is who you get your payment confirmation receipt from,...so they tell you you have the money and what address to ship it to don't you read those emails?"

"no why would i read those emails? what do you want me to do about it, it's shipped! our billing department is closed and it's on it's way so i guess it's goin there!"

"I want you to call ups and tell them that you accidentally shipped it to a wrong address and you need to put a note in to re-route it"

"i'm not gonna do that, I don't have the number, besides ups is closed" (it's 3:45)

"well i'm on their website I can get the number for you, here you ready?"

"no i'm not ready"

(i gave him the number)

"you got that?"

"no i don't got that!"

well then i got the head honcho's name and ph. number from him and his name and said i'd be in contact. He was a major asshole, and didn't seem to understand that the paypal receipt was the final piece of information that you get before shipping,...so the ship to: address on it is where you would ship to.

Anyways I called ups myself (who was not closed btw) and they got it all straightened out for me easy as pie. UGH.

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There's a thing called inertia that says once an asshole is in motion it tends to stay in motion unless an outside force is applied to it. It's also known to the layman as the 'once an asshole always an asshole' rule. The point is, this guy is going to keep on being an asshole until he is removed from this job. If I was his boss, I would want to know about it.


If you go this route (telling his boss) be cool, be calm, (as much as you are able, or you risk looking like the asshole you are complaining about) explain clearly and with all the facts you can get. Explain your concerns and how this employee is affecting his company's reputation. Do not expect too much, but know that a little push in the right direction can have a snowball effect. After all you probably aren't the only one who's complained about this guy. But if you are the first, it had to start somewhere, right?

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i also ordered a few parts from this place. same kind of thing. i called and had the part numbers sitting right in front of me, the woman connected me to the parts department and this guy (don't remember his name) had a bad attitude from minute one. i was just gonna give him the part numbers to fill the order and be done but he wanted me to tell him the vehicle first, so i went through all that and explained the parts i needed and he was bitchy and moany the whole time. at the end of the order i said would you please read your numbers to me and see if i have the right things here and he says you had the part numbers?! i said yea i was just gonna tell you the part numbers but you interrupted me and was asking for the information about the vehicle so i decided to just go through the ordering process your way. he didn't have anything to say about that. and then at the end of the order after he took my address and cc information he hung up on me, didn't even give me a chance to ask when it would be shipped or about how long it would take or anything. when i got the box i checked the ship dates and i had ordered on a friday at about 10 am and they didn't even ship it until tuesday evening and there was no holiday, obviously if their driver had an issue picking up on monday that's not their fault, but just the way the guy in the parts department acted is enough for me to not ever use them and agree with you that nobody else should either.

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aren't they here in Tacoma off of Washington street?

maybe I should swing by and check them out....

customers can be quite rude and annoying....

Imagine a whole day of theirs taken up by datto fans pestering the shit out of the with questions..that could be fun! anyone else in?

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i've delt with 3 different carbs unlimited and they did me right every time. sounds like you got the wrong place, wrong time type of deal. or rather wrong person. which one are you referring to? the one in fife,wa have parts hitachi's sitting sitting on their shelf. i've called them twice this year and had no trouble.


i was at buckys recently for an estimate. that guy was a asshole. 48 & pacific ave. and he was the boss!

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