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Project Bullets INC. Revealed

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thanx slam im gunna need alot of push to get this thing done. so just keep pushing me guys. any ways on that note i cant wait to get started on this pig but what the fuck man i just checked out the drift 620 (chadcopeland.com) that biotch is crazy if i hadnt already decided on this project i would have done one like that for sure that is insane. okay let me stop before i have to bump myself. lol:fu:

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waiting impationatly to get my truck in the shop. i have set a deadline to get the truck done. april 22,2010. that date signifies my 5th year in the military. hope it happens


I unaware that you served, THANK YOU MIKE . On the subject of the completion date that is a short build time, but I support you 100% .

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thank you slam. yeah i know its short but since i have a shop and the truck is pretty basic it should be no prob. (i hope) but as long as i get the parts i need it will go together pretty quick. i mean its just static droped and painted the interior will probably take the longest

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oh and by the way i think i have decided to get rid of everywire in the truck that i dont absolutly need and possibly take them all out and start over and build a new harness from scratch. and then do a full rebuild on the motor so that i wont have a single problem when i put it on the road

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Having been in the Army for 4, I saw this and got excited...


Here's a couple more ideas:

1) 9mm shells for the pop ups at the door lock.

2) 155mm Howitzer shells for the armrests (might get a little hot in the summer, though)


Go hit up the local firing range for the casings. Or go to Ft. Jackson - they've got live fire happening all the time.

BTW: We used the 155 shells when we were in the desert and needed Survey Markers...

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okiedokie i did some thinking and measureing and have decided to run the suspension and drive train from the 300zx turbo parts car i have on this build. now before all you guys that know everything about everything i did all of the measuring twice and found that the motor will fit with some mods and i will have to shorten the control arms and shorten the rear end. now with that being said i am going to start pulling the motor tomarrow. now when i get it pulled i will have

1. running motor that needs carb work

2. 4-speed tranny

3. drive shaft

4. front suspension

5. rear end and suspension

6. radiator

7. and all the other little things in the engine bay.


now i am also in need of some parts and i am willing to do some tradeing for the stuff i need with the stuff that i got

1. grille

2. lower air valance

3. tailgate

4. good dashpad

5. drivers side window regulator

6. bumperettes


now i dont need the stuff that i am taking of the truck so i will trade whatever for whatever. i just really need this stuff so let me know.

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ok well today i started cleaning up and painting some pieces on the truck. ive decided against the 300zx swap for reasons left to be determined. so i will be keeping the engine and tranny thats in it so i appologize for anybody who was wanting the parts that never got to me about them. so hopefully ill get more work done on my truck tomarrow and if so then i will post some pics of it on here.

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nobody loves me

everybodyhates me

guess ill go eat worms

big fat juicy ones

lil bitty skinny ones

oh boy aint they good.

lol anyways havent done anything tothe truck been busy with the business and it comes first so my stuff is on the back burner but hopefully after x-mas thins will streighten out and i can get the truck in the shop so stay tuned updates will start coming i promise

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