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DGEV to Manual Choke??


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Has anyone had good results converting a DGEV to manual choke? I'd like to see if there is a good quality conversion kit available. Otherwise I might eventually end up switching to a regular DGV.


I used one similiar to this when I used to have a weber on a ranger:



It worked, but not the best quality. I found this by searching google:



It was too late to call them when I found it. Has anyone used one of these? It looks like it's specifically made for a Weber DGEV.



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Guest DatsuNoob

I had one on my stock Hitachi carb, got me home I guess, but that was about it. The old man I bought it from rigged one up, but I agree with the previous post. The only reason to consider using a manual choke in my opinion, would be if you lived in Minnesota, Alaska, or somewhere really friggin cold all the time. Elec chokes can be a pain in the cold, since they typically only open when the engine is running, and getting a cold L series started can be a chore. I think you should try to fix the elec choke, parts probably wouldnt be much more than that manual conversion kit, it's just 3 bolts (10mm?), a small housing w/snail spring wrapped around the choke lever, and a wire.

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Why would you want to switch away from the electric choke? It is so simple and dependable.

Get in, tap the throttle pedal once and turn key and it idles great. What could you possibly improve upon without fuel injection?


I had one on my stock Hitachi carb, got me home I guess, but that was about it. The old man I bought it from rigged one up, but I agree with the previous post. The only reason to consider using a manual choke in my opinion, would be if you lived in Minnesota, Alaska, or somewhere really friggin cold all the time. Elec chokes can be a pain in the cold, since they typically only open when the engine is running, and getting a cold L series started can be a chore. I think you should try to fix the elec choke, parts probably wouldnt be much more than that manual conversion kit, it's just 3 bolts (10mm?), a small housing w/snail spring wrapped around the choke lever, and a wire.


You guys are probably right. I guess I'm just more familiar with manual chokes. I drove a lot of old trucks when I was younger that had them.


The electric actuater seems to be adjusted right. It starts out completely closed when it's cold, and opens completely when it's warm. I just don't like the reving engine until the choke opens up. The fast idle is good when it's cold, but on warm days it's not needed.


Maybe I'll try turning the screw on the high idle cam way down. I could always turn it back up a little when winter comes. How do you guys set this?


I have the top conversion. Abit hooky but it worked enough. but it was enough. Not like a stock DGV 5A(stock manual choke)



The bottom one(#2) looks better but How much is it????????



really I just pump the accell pump till it warms up then pull the above choke system(#1) you have in the photo and works OK


That's what I thought when I had one. It was kind of cheap but it worked. Seemed like the brackets and things were kind of generic, and the pivot shaft just goes through a piece of plastic.


The second type is on this website:




No price listed though. They also have some float level gauges for $10 bucks. Not really needed, but they would be kind of nice.


I'll probably just keep trying to adjust my electric choke, but I think I'll still call to how much these are.

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