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new macs run intel based chipsets, so they arnt as invulnerable as you might think. in fact vista runs best on mac hardware, and new mac OS is easily ran on windows computers.



but my mac is so old i cant update my mac dance software (1st gen G4) all i get is a square dance with lil happy face computers. but i havent restarted it or shut it off in over a year.:fu:

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new macs run intel based chipsets, so they arnt as invulnerable as you might think. in fact vista runs best on mac hardware, and new mac OS is easily ran on windows computers.:


G5 quad baby! Actually I just bought it last year and did debate getting a new intel mac, but after looking at the bench test #'s I decide the Intel wasn't worth the extra cash. Plus there is something cool about owning that last and greatest g5 they made.:D

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APPLE IT BURRRRRRRRRNS! I find %95 of apple users that call into my job don;t know anything about their apple and give me an earful because of it. Its not my job to know how to guide my way around their apple product, its to give them the information to put on their apple.



As for consoles, I'll just leave that one alone... :P



Now if an apple user knows what they are doing they can be very good tools for media editing.. Though haven't kept up on the newer ones for such.





I usually get old people calling me telling me everyone they know uses a Mac and most of the world does, and thus we should tech support their computers. It's annoying. We have like 3 customers on Macs, out of thousands. If I'm not getting paid to train on a Mac, I'm not going to bother.


Also, people that call me asking for help but don't care to learn anything about their computers. Not even the basics of the computer or the internet. They just want a magic box that makes their pictures move and bitch at me when I tell them it's not our fault their 'picture box' is black.

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the chipset doesnt dictate the vulnerabilities, its the software. I have a macbook pro 1st gen a Mac Pro dual quad, and a macbook in my house. As well as a Windows PC that dual boots vista, and ubuntu. I like variety.


Amd, Intel, Motorola, etc. w.e chip you have isn't going to make you any more secure or insecure. Windows XP right now I think is still the most hackable OS. Why? because its the most popular. OS X is based on UNIX (freebsd to be exact) so its still suseptable to attacks, but not the kind that you would experience on a windows computer. ie, if you open a trojan, virus, or anything else that could be embedded into a jpg, word doc, xcel file, or w/e it was blanketed with. It's most likely gunning for the windows registry. UNIX based computers are setup a bit more secure and have their fair share of issues, but nothing like the windows world.

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When I was in a college doing graphic art classes, we consider ourselves lucky if the Mac we were using didnt' freeze up at least once during a class. I bet those computers were rebooted 3-5 times a day. I don't see how people have a Mac that never has problems. You probably never do anything with it.


then again, I work in IT. People at work have issues daily (obviously, I'm still employed) I rarely have an issue on my work or home computer. :D Its user inflicted issues ;)


oh, just bought a two player X-arcade controller! w00t!

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I don't see how people have a Mac that never has problems.


Iv had my Macbook for 3 years and use it every day. The only thing thats gone wrong with it was the battery shit out a while back,

so I just got a new one for $50 :fu:



I also have a PC with Windows XP on it that crashes about once a month (thus why I don't use it anymore)

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I crash computers all day, its what I do best. I also render HD lossless animations. And those calculations between the cpu and gpu during a render, or even in the editor can choke out all threads available to any system. Im an animator/designer for broadcast and movies, all that good stuff. So I have pretty high demands for my computers. Rendering or crashing is the only time I get a break.

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