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bananahamuck last won the day on June 19

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    Tumwater WA
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    There's a hiway to hell, but only a stairway to heaven ,says alot about anticipated traffic numbersi
  • Interests
    Bow chicka ckicka bow wow

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  1. My regular used tire guy didn`t have the size i needed so i went to another and saw these.......http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b467/iwtemwp/junk/TrackFBallMisc002_zpsa6e08447.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Hahaa nice That's what I put on the back of my rat. 50$ mounted and balanced. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/526707_252659898196002_2121262922_n.jpg


    3. bananahamuck


      cool,, the ones i saw today were $45 a piece plus mounting and balance..


      but i was buying 225/50/16s for my wife's backup rig.

    4. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      I forgot I traded the chrome steelies with rotten tires plus 50$

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