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    77' 620

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  1. Shortbed


    Keep that dream alive!
  2. I noticed my fan is cracked at the base? Needing a new fan just in case mine decides to grenade unexpectantly lol. I have a '77 620 with A/C so 8 blade like you are mentioning. I read somewhere on here concerning replacements catering to pitch rather than OEM fit. Something about 7 blade with more pitch would be better than more blades and not enough air flow. Somewhere in the 300's page I wanna say lol. I have a machine shop at work and they're "getting with the times", i'll ask if they have a 3-D scanner.
  3. @Onstad hopefully you can see the pics. Self explanatory I think. Phillips #2, lineman pliers, 10mm wrench. I cut the hose a little short, may be revisiting later lol hopefully this helps. Ill see if I spill gas at next fill up, not entirely too sure about the quick hose clamps.
  4. Got hit with the flu my man. Ill try again this weekend. @Onstad
  5. Can't see pic, but assuming you have the wire and bolt hose clamp. I have the same issue. Can't fill over 8-ish gallons to be safe or else I spill. I picked up 1/4" fuel line (about 2', cut to fit) and quick connection hose clamps (use of pliers to get on/off, 5/16"-5/8" assorted). The hose that tore on mine is top of fuel tank to reserve? tank. I have NOT tried the fix yet but hopefully some long needle nose pliers, phillips, razor blade, taking the tire off will fix it. I can try to post pics and update this upcoming weekend. Best of luck!
  6. Do you have a part number for the synchros possibly? Last winter was a bit ago I know. I have a 5 speed in the 620 that needs a rebuild. Still working on identifying the 71B. Thanks!
  7. Starting from advice to see correct wiring of ignition system, This is what I had wired up. Made the wiring match the correct diagram, deleted resistor, found that Black White traced (By) and Black Red traced (Br) of right-most branch of harness were the "ON"/"RUN" power. (Mistook y's for w's on initial inspection, found out different after comparing what I had to FSM wiring diagram.) Used the other (Br) from same branch to power choke heater. It was part of the X's which I think were for the condenser. Left some wires cut and taped off will have to clean up later. That addressed the ignition wiring part of the problem. I did notice I was getting intermittent voltage from (Yw) terminating to thermostat temp sending sensor, which I believe is wired incorrectly, but the thermostat gauge somewhat works so ill figure it out later. (I have a temp gun with me at all times just to verify in not overheating like the gauge says.) Replaced Accel coil for a 79' 620 coil bought at auto parts store. 0.8 Ohm. Replace spark plug wires for Import Direct set from same store. They were all a bit higher in resistance 3-4 kOhm, but they were new compared to the previous set that had the connectors fall off and re-crimped. Next, didn't know where carb screws were at so upon initial start engine started for 3 sec then died. Tried again same result. Squirt starting fluid and it seemed to run a second longer but died. Squirt a ton of starting fluid and no change. Let some evap off and ran maybe a bit longer. (Maybe its not getting gas). Had throttle cable unhooked so pumped the throttle linkage by hand like 5 pumps. Was wanting to run. Pumped once, ran 3 secs. (Okay, it wants some gas). Pumped 5 times and then kind of kept pumping and watching where the throttle plate wanted to be to keep running. After a couple of minutes of this it was staying on. Quickly grabbed timing gun and moved dist to 12 degrees. Next, started messing with speed screw to see if it would keep engine running. It did but idle was around 1400 RPM. Brought it down to 1100 RPM while looking that the engine didn't die. It stayed so I began messing with mixture screw. Kind of just bounced back and forth and seeing where the engine was bogging down. Left it in the middle and moved on to dropping idle down a bit more. Got idle down to 800 RPM and then back to mixture screw. Tweaked the speed screw to 815-ish RPM and left mixture screw in the middle of where it was bogging down and too far out of idle circuit. Every so often opening the throttle plate by hand to even things out. Rechecked timing and was still at 12 degrees. Then, hooked up vacuum gauge and saw 15" Hg with a little bit of a flutter. Messed with the mixture screw some more to see if it the reading would stay still or higher but no success. Shut off engine and restarted it a minute later and IT DID START. Tried again 5 min later and same result. Came into the house, quick update, then rushed back outside for valve lash measurement. Adjusted a couple cyl, some where hairy edge of tight, but it'll be okay. Couple hours later after slapping A/C bracket and components back together, she started right up! (my dumbass forgot to make a relief in the bracket for spark plug #1) The following morning (35 degrees or so), SHE STARTED RIGHT UP! Overjoyed with the result. Fast idle will need some adjustment as it was around 2950-3075-ish RPM and damn near woke up the neighborhood. On the bench for one of the carb set-up measurements (I cant remember which one) I had thought "what's a thou amongst friends", looks like I know which one I forgot about. Drove it to work and back home. No major issues. Checked temp at the end of each trip, 184-ish degrees top of therm housing, 193-ish around block, non-manifold side. Things that will need addressing a bit later: Wiring clean up. Thermostat to read correctly. (don't know if it's pegged or room to overheat) Make a makeshift coolant reservoir tank. Speedometer to read correctly. (at 50 it shows 30) Rebuild 5-speed. (fifth pops out might need synchros) Adjust steering. (some drift to keep center of road) Again, sorry for the not so friendly forum write-up, but thanks to everyone who has contributed to the forum over the years! Search is a powerful tool.
  8. Success!!! Got timing to 12 degrees. 815 RPM. Speed crew set @ 1-1/8 turns from throttle plate fully closed (to open/ just cracked). Mix screw set @ 2-1/4 off it's seat. 15" Hg. Very sluggish/ hesitant start. Fingered the throttle linkage to keep squirting gas. I'll do a much more detail update from distributor wiring to this point a little later. I have to check valve lash and then put the A/C bracket back on (draining cooling system, taking fan off, ect.) Real test is starting back up here in a few hours AND cold start tomorrow morning (fingers crossed) Thanks Datzenmike for the help, and thanks Ratsun for the plethora of info! Update soon
  9. Yeah I don't have that... Going to clean that mess up tomorrow then. I'll pull up a wiring diagram to reference wire colors. I added the jumper. Besides that all wiring is how I got it.
  10. Made a temporary ground. 14awg solid wire. No change.
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