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Zonargx last won the day on April 23 2021

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  • Gender
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    Los Angeles
  • Cars
    1971 Datsun 521
  • Interests
    Making my truck better

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  1. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    Checked the alternator it was good. I just hook the sense to an ignition on switch source and hasn’t drain the battery so far so I’ll just leave it like that for now thanks for the help everyone thanks thisisMatt for the ignition source tip
  2. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    So then my diodes are probably bad because they drain my battery ? It didn’t use to do this before even after the ka swap. Everything is still wired the same. If after removing the sense and light goes off that stops the drain once plugged in the diodes drain it. Are the diodes grounding out or something? Reason my test light goes on with any metal
  3. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    So now I’m thinking what if my battery won’t charge good like has a dead cell does the sense wire detect it’s low and try to make the alternator work this using power and then draining the battery? Sorry I’m not that experience with car in-depth electrical stuff just the basic
  4. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    This is a diagram I drew of how my wiring is on my truck
  5. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    Based of the ka diagram it’s also straight to the battery with a fuse
  6. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    i followed what this how to diagrams
  7. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    My truck didn’t have t connection so I went of the diagram. White/black was my L or field f im the old alternator and sence yellow wire. The yellow has to be connected to a switch source right from what Matt said old harness was cut and just had female connectors and the new and I don’t have the plug for the la so I’m using female connector like how it was on the older l16 alternator before the swap
  8. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    Yea I did i have the s14 wiring diagram. With the lock tab on top the left is light and right is sense. This is Matt i was thinking on running the senses to a new wire and hooking it up to the fusebox switch source
  9. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    This is @thisismatt I literally was thinking about doing putting a switch and turning it off when I turn the truck off but thought it was wrong to do.
  10. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    I disconnect every single fuse and light is still on. Only other thing connected to the positive is my amp audio amp so I disconnect it and still on. Other thing connected is the starter and alternator. I tried just connecting the starter and removing the cable for the alternator positive and the light goes off but once I plugged the alternator positive back on it light up again. I then decided to unplug the two wires from the alternator plug and only when the sense is off the light goes off
  11. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    When I first swapped it would do that I then went to Texas for a week came back battery was dead ever since that then the problem started so I bough a new battery and still drains. Now with the new alternator it drains even faster
  12. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    Yea when I converted I jumped the yellow with white and black/white with red/white
  13. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    Alligator clip to pointy part it doesn’t light up. Battery negative to positive or in this case any metal in the truck it lights up
  14. Zonargx

    1971 Datsun 521

    @banzai510(hainz) yea if I disconnect the sense from the alternator the light goes off Test light clamp to negative terminal to pointy part to negative battery post
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