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  • Location
    San Diego
  • Cars
    1970 Datsun 521 (stock), 2000 Integra, Boring Prius
  • Occupation
    Owner - Energy Care Electric

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  1. Thanks for your help. I finally had time to get to my truck. removed the blue/yellow wire like you suggested and replaced one set of points and one condenser. "Got a nice fat spark" - went to the carburetor with a friend who adjusted the valves and fixed the throttle. it runs good right now. Its just sticking a little when revving up and seems to idle high (about 1500rpms).
  2. Datzenmike, I am going to try those steps on the distributor this weekend. I think you maybe right. My carburetor is likely the issue. It was idling high just before it stopped running. I am wanting to keep this truck running reliably for many years, so good reliable parts are better then cheap fixes. Thank you for your help.
  3. I wish I knew what you were talking about. This is over my head and I will need to consult with a mechanic friend with what you are saying. Thank you for your time. Is this a situation that could benefit from replacing the entire unit?
  4. I guess ratsun. net doesnt need photo sharing site anymore. attached is my distributor for my 1970 521.
  5. yeah I agree, i hate link too. I was hoping they would convert to an image after submitting. I will figure Imgur out, thanks.
  6. <a href="https://imgur.com/XiNmOXU"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/XiNmOXU.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> <a href="https://imgur.com/yeayZxw"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/yeayZxw.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
  7. as simple of a question this is, I do not know the answer. It appears to be stock or replaced a long time ago.
  8. ouch, maybe it is me. why would i be able to get one free?
  9. thanks datzenmike, one of the distributor wires is frayed pretty good. but the spark is very week at the points. first I noticed the truck running at a high idle, then the next time I wanted to drive it, the truck just died while warming up.
  10. hey guys, i am have issues with my 521 distributor and wanted to hear from you on weather you would purchase or rebuild the distributor. Are the Thailand distributors any good?
  11. im dealing with a broken throttle cable on my '70 521 at the moment. looks like previous owner had to pipe clamp a cable fastener to the pedal. does anyone happen to have a photo of the cable, where the cable and the pedal meet? I wondered if the standard "big box store" replacement cable/assemble is correct.
  12. it photographs well but the bed it pretty beat up. Thanks though!
  13. I hope it's not the one one I'm looking at. 🙂 ***** obviously I had no idea how the quote function worked. I get it now. You got any pics of the 69 GTO!
  14. Photos? I looked up the optimo's they do seem pretty cheap about $80. but the tires I have seem like the tread is better and they are less then $300 all 4 mounted and balanced. I dont know maybe, I'll have to get a set of those optimos too.
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