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Posts posted by iceman510

  1. 3 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

    I put the word out to a couple friends yesterday and already found three viable cars. A Lotus Cortina, an Alfa GTV and a TVR Griffith 200.  The Cortina and Griffith may come as a package deal, though I'm not a huge fan of any TVR, and the Alfa is already a race car, so it could be transformed easily.



    So which of those is a Jag?  Asking for a friend. 🤣

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    • Haha 1
  2. 22 hours ago, datzenmike said:

    Kelly believes in Jesus and Santa Claus?????? Santa was white, historical jesus  would have been brown-ish. Persian/Arabic likely 


    St. Nicholas was from Anatolia.


    Jesus was Jewish as noted in his family tree.  At that point in time very few "Arabic" people were any where outside the Arabian peninsula.  Even today most that speak Arabic language are not Arabian ethnicity.  Another ethnic misnomer misused and misunderstood by modern historically ignorant people.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, iflyfisher said:

    These wheels are about 3 15/16" ID. They also are not perfectly round. 




    I believe those wheels are not perfectly round because the bump out locations are used for the centering (hub centric).  You would not want to use the push-through type center caps on those.  My hardbody had steel wheels with a similar center design like those and I think there were plastic center caps that snapped in with tabs.  I know I got rid of the wheels years ago, but I'll look around and see if I have the caps.  Otherwise check for Hardbody stock center caps perhaps.






  4. 17 hours ago, frankendat said:

    Then he asked "30 days enough time to fix the two you chose?" I say "yea". He says, "Ok, do that, I'll come back in a month, if you have done what you said, we'll talk about next steps. If you haven't there will be a problem. Good?" "Good" I say.  



    Make an effort and do something, do what you said.  He left it open when he said talk about next steps.  Try and make them happy without totally inconveniencing yourself.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, datzenmike said:

    Victimless crime? If you're talking about hush money to a whore to keep certain events quiet in order to affect the outcome of the election. The American public was ripped off. If you mean over valuing assets in order to secure a more favorable loan rate then the lender was ripped off. 


    Thanks for supporting my point and being typically opinionated and at the same time clueless.  The American public was not "ripped off".  Publicity is one thing, but you have no legitimate way to quantify it's effect.  Regardless, withholding information is not a crime, at least not in this circumstance.  The lender never complained in the second case because there was no fraud and the loans were paid as contracted.  Matt explained that to you many pages back.

    • Like 2
  6. Blah, blah blah.  You are like a broken record, and I know you are old enough to get the reference.  You should really listen to your own blather with the same doubt you apply to everything else.  None of the things you repeat ad nauseum have actually had any affect whatsoever on "democracy".   Go read "Rigged" and get the real story on where the threat to "democracy' resides.

    • Like 3
  7. FYI, if you go that way, I have a good Z22 head available.  If you need me to check anything on it, I could do that.

  8. You would have to research yourself if R134 can be used instead.  It may not be recommended, and generally the lubricant and also the hoses (and o-rings) have different permeability for the different refrigerants.


    I do not know for certain the condition.  It came off an engine assembly pulled years ago that I never used or ran.  $40 plus shipping?

  9. If you use anti-seize on the threads, you can't torque to the same level.  You can exceed the yield strength of the studs when torqueing due to the lower friction.  That could be why you broke some of the weaker studs you were using.  Just FYI.  You should definitely clean that all off before torqueing the lug nuts to final torque.


    When I worked in an assembly plant, we had a situation happen where some lubricant was left on the studs from the supplier.  The robotic lug nut installer basically started pulling the studs apart as it attempted to torque the nuts to the prescribed level and exceeded the tensile yield of the studs.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Were you still using R12?  Planning to continue that?  I have one from an '81 if you are interested.  It was on a Z22, not L20B, but maybe usable.  I have not looked at any part numbers.

  11. On 8/9/2024 at 3:15 PM, edekalil said:

    Trying to get everything finished up with getting the head on the L20B. I have another cam for the L20B but I believe you can put a stock L20B cam in a L16. If that is true and is beneficial I'll put it in the L16 in the Goon which is running great but greater is better correct?



    Yes, you can use an L20B cam in an L16.  Essentially the same as the SSS cam that was offered in Japan.

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