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crackerjack69 last won the day on April 5 2012

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About crackerjack69

  • Birthday 07/10/1984

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  • Cars
    78 Datsun 620, 72 Yamaha 175 enduro, Corvette power wheels
  • Interests
    Screwing and un-screwing
  • Occupation
    Appliance Technician

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  1. My alt and water pump pullys are slightly forward of crank pully, causing slight misalignement of belt. This is not normal I take it? It's an L16, and has a crank pully w/ spots for 2 belts. Is this pully wrong?

    1. jon521


      not sure, but my L16 crank pulley has the spots for 2 belts aswell

    2. Jayden71


      My 71 L16 has 2 spot crank and alt is slightly forward of crank causing belt to be slightly off. Never had any issues tho. Belt stays on and does not get chewed up

    3. crackerjack69


      OK. Yah, it's not off by much, but you'd think they'd make it straight... Putting finishing touches on the truck now, guess I just won't worry bout it.

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