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About Droski

  • Birthday 07/07/1989

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  • Location
    San Diego
  • Cars
    1966 Datsun 520 / 1975 Datsun 620
  • Interests
    Graphic Design / Illustration

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  1. Thanks Mike this makes sense i will go ahead and try adjusting the front and rear breaks asap.
  2. Hello friends, im having an issue with my brakes in my 620 75'. The brakes feel normal when the truck is off but the brake pedal goes to the floor when the truck is turned on (no brake pedal pressure). Any advice moving forward will be greatly appreciated. If topic has been covered please point me in the right direction. Cheers.
  3. I couldnt check the sight glass since there was quite a few things obstructing view but the choke flap was partially closed and snapped closed completely after stepping on the gas pedal once. The engine has been starting fine the last couple of days .
  4. Thanks guys for the information it's very helpful, I'll be back with an update!
  5. Hello datsun peers, this past month there has been random times when my engine wont start* unless I spray starting fluid inside the carb. The engine will also stall out sometimes after getting it fired up. most of the time it starts right up and drives fine. Fuel pump is new and fuel filter looks decent. The first time this happened I took the truck to my mechanic and he said the carb had flooded. Am I looking to rebuild my carb soon ? Thanks!
  6. Sorry about the delayed reply Matt, I needed to replace the water pump. I had some play. Thanks for the help guys !
  7. Matt I have been having some electrical issues such as headlight flickering on and off, dead batteries after a week of not being driven, and now I'm hearing like a humming whining sound at high rpms right before upshifitng and down shifting that sounds like a supercharger lol
  8. Pretty sure I narrowed it down to 1990-1994 d21 alternator/ 60 amp looks identical to the following pictures and has the nissan stamp!
  9. Found something pretty close that could work
  10. Hello guys I need help identifying this alternator in the following pictures as I am looking to replace it. I'm running a l20b but it looks like previous owner rigged this one. Thank you !
  11. Mike Just like you said, the plastic sheath melted and would not allow the throttle cable to move, thank you for the help !
  12. I definitely did smell something toasting. Thank you! I will be back with an update.
  13. Hello yall I lost "sprigeness" to my gas pedal and the throttle seems to be stuck I'm taking off the air filter housing to check out the carb. Any help with this issue is appreciated. I also was messing around with battery trying to clean the terminals i did see some sparks fly but I'm not sure that these issues are related. Thanks!
  14. I recently had a 5 speed trans installed into my 620 and few days ago I started hearing clanking sounds after shifting into gear (in all gears), the clanking noises last about a second or two and go away. Sometimes the sounds are not there.
  15. also forgot to mention that my temperature gauge is also not working, didnt notice it at first but both are not reading could this be an electrical issue ?
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