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    Galt, CA
  • Cars
    74 datsun 620
  • Interests
    Vintage racing

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  1. It just rained, had the hood opened. Didn't get to close the hood in time.
  2. I'll take some picture after the rain. How do I ground the electric distributor better? Is there a ground wire? Because I don't see any besides the B and C wire that goes to the coil.
  3. The carbon button on the new cap come down further than the old cap. When I swap cap the wire position on top stays the same. I will recheck tomorrow to be positive.
  4. On the left is the new cap and rotor. Any difference? Seems like the inside of the cap is different
  5. Yes I did that and got no spark. I am going to take picture of the new vs the old cap and rotor. As well take some measurement to see if they are the same size.
  6. Yes you are correct, it was doing the same before I changed the cap and rotor
  7. i will take some picture soon, I bought new cap rotor and wire tho. Did I buy the wrong parts? They are stock but I have an non original dizzy, not a stock distributor.
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