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GT2 last won the day on April 25 2021

GT2 had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    North Idaho
  • Cars
    Titan, Xterra, BMW 540i 6 speed, Venza
  • Interests
    fabrication, racing, working on my property

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  1. Does anyone know if the Z22, 720 engine uses internally resisted coils or not?
  2. Hi guys and gals, I'm converting to a " manual" distributor. At the end of the video I'm asking some questions about how to wire it. So if you want to skip to near the end please do so and comment. Thanks, Tim
  3. GT2

    Ratson Rod

    Working on the hood
  4. GT2

    Ratson Rod

    Errr, What he said! 😊
  5. GT2

    Ratson Rod

    Thanks for the comments, paradime. There's a method to my madness, basically I'm not sure what I'm going to do till I get in there and start working! 😜
  6. GT2

    Ratson Rod

    Shrinking the tailgate
  7. I vote for the 8.8 ford. Easy to shorten, light weight, wide range of ratios available, lot of lsd's available. Easy to find in the wrecking yard.
  8. GT2

    Ratson Rod

    Making a tiny truck bed
  9. GT2

    Ratson Rod

    Ah yes, the good old days of building Z car cages! Sorry I don't remember your specific car, getting old. Looks great! Tim
  10. GT2

    Ratson Rod

    Thanks for the comments guys!
  11. For any type of left right performance driving, not the best choice.
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