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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. In 76 they were using an adaptor, on my 79 they had switched to divorced.
  2. I don't remember the name of his shop, but the guy that did both of my conversions was in Kelso WA, and most likely it is from him. He did my 76, and my 79 when they were new.
  3. There is a system available on ebay called Easycar smart key for $250.00, if any one is interested.
  4. The only Datsuns I have ever seen in the philippines were a couple of 620s and that was a few years ago. I'm sure any Datsuns that were there are long rusted away. :no:
  5. Been there, done that, come with me next time I go to the Philippines and find out what real heat and humidity is. :rofl: :sweat:
  6. Yea I know about your ice storms, came through one time the weekend before Christmas, 15 degrees, everything shut down shopping malls, resturants mickey d's, had been driving nonstop for 8 hours, andhad to drive another 2 hours to find someplace open so I could eat. If the northern states did that, nothing would ever get done in this country. Sorry, but when it comes to weather, you Texans are a bunch of pussies! :rofl:
  7. what is nasty there, 3 to 4 inches of snow? :rofl:
  8. A beater for Texas winters? What would you guys do if you had to deal with real winter weather? :rofl:
  9. Great pics, Bob you should be very proud! :thumbup:
  10. Penetration is important. That's what she said! :rofl:
  11. I thought so, it didn't seem like that long ago that you said you got a new printer. I was supposed to be getting a 24 inch cutter, but now the guy's wife is telling me it is broke, and junk, he promised it to me a year ago, and all I got was excuses since, now I'm bummed!
  12. Is it just me, or are those springs looking a little stiff for a light pickup?
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