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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. Thanks! Now I'm in full want one mode again!
  2. goes2fast


    Who is looking at the motor??? :rofl:
  3. I don't want to take this off topic again, but are there complete pics of the seven some where? I always wanted one, but never got around to it. At one time I was looking at the Rotus kit with an 215 Aluminum Buick stroked to a 300, old dreams coming back, time to wake up!
  4. Now I feel really dumb, I knew about these, and didn't think to mention it. Chalk it up to old age I guess!
  5. Not in the corners, and a turbo takes care of the straights! B)
  6. Now that is a fun toy, worthy of a post here! :thumbup:
  7. I was refering to the fact that it is non Nissan posted on this site, and I could drive it till the cows come home, and the BRZ would still be my favorite new sporty coupe!
  8. Oh no! Brand X made in Korea, the shame! :rolleyes:
  9. Thanks for the offer, If I hadn't lost my flight benifits for the next 6 months and was settled in to my new house, I would take you up on that. Maybe this summer, when you are tired of the Texas heat we could do that! B)
  10. I have a pair that I decided not to use, that I would part with, if he still needs them.
  11. Why don't you come to Colorado, and get some enjoyment working on mine for a while! :thumbup:
  12. If it were mine, if there was any way I could keep it, I would, too hard to replace! That is why I have my 1200, I regreted selling the one I bought new in 72, and it took until a year ago to find another one that I could afford, and wasn't a rust bucket. :thumbup:
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