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danfiveten last won the day on May 8 2013

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About danfiveten

  • Birthday 06/01/1986

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Vancouver Wa
  • Cars
    71 510 4 door, 02 g20, 73 610 wagon, 72 preserved 510, and 95 pathfinder
  • Interests
    Datsuns, my son, my wife, Oh and Datsuns.
  • Occupation
    Driver (back surgery)

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  1. Woke up to dog shit all over my house. Dog is now up on CL.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. danfiveten


      I have whipped him and shit. And gotten bitten by his lil ass. Lines being drawn finally.

    3. Sealik


      ..."I have whipped him and shit..."..Would imagine you're not gonna guest host The Dog Whisperer any time real soon....excellent

    4. Braden


      if your getting bit then the dog doesnt see you as master, you need to whip more, especially when he bights. he will kearn. and for fucks sake, whats wrong with you guys, your all negative about corporal punishment? i thought most of you guys were old fucks, surely you were whipped as a kid!

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