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Everything posted by sick620

  1. me and dan. pick up jason, call jayden and its on!
  2. well dan. text me if u want motor parts. Good night
  3. who will catch up to this thread first? farmerjew or wide. we will see...
  4. nah on second thought I could use those parts... nevermind.
  5. dan, you want me to bring your engine rebuild stuff tomorrow? how much money of your outstanding balance will you have on payday?
  6. ok mothhaa fucckkaazz thanks for ruining my project thread by making it the official place of all things nutzz for ratsun. Im going to bed now. You know my heterosexual bed. the one where I make hot lovins with lots of hos. Ya I know your about to quote this into a homosexual rant. But Im onto you! .. Goodnight, need my sleep to work the shitty ass 90hours a pay period job that chester so graciously hooked me up with....
  7. 20 user(s) are reading this topic 3 members, 4 guests, 0 anonymous users SICK620, Facebook, 510freak, chester ^^ Facebookz whyy nooo postzz?
  8. oh shit Ips... RUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! :rofl:
  9. i was just thinking that, hes trying to catch up :)
  10. the only thing im taking in the rear is pictures of my truck. and I believe thats about the time the trolling of my fine project thread commenced..
  11. After this thread. I think it will be pretty much proven that we are all gay as fuck. We just talked about nuts, canada, rodeeoo, jail, soap on a rope, takin up the rear, etc for multiple pages... I know I feel gayer.
  12. LOVE THIS button would have been pressed if I could :)
  13. i think I heard him whisper "now who has the blue nuts" ??
  14. dan had his nuts in my face today at work.. he SWORE it was an accident. trolol
  15. I count for six. cuz im so badass... of course...
  16. sounds like an experience chet had while in jail, needless to say he didnt drop the soap much more after that :)
  17. ok where does the super low orange non nuts fit into this picture??
  18. Ill be leavin nampa at 4am if its going to be a hot day.... if weather permits and its a cooler Ill see u in baker 7am...
  19. no yeller is riding with jayden, damn now im confused.
  20. OH!! my bad. I start hearing nuts and I get all kinds of excited! trololol
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