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Posts posted by mrbigtanker

  1. My first purchase with him went smooth!! Got parts quick! The second purchase SUCKED! 3 weeks after sending payment I sent 2 PM's asking about my item! got no response whatsoever! then I posted on one of his Threads and I Finally got a response with attitude " IF YOU DON'T TRUST ME THEN DON"T BUY FROM ME AGAIN" I said to myself when I read this "the moment I logged into my Paypal account and clicked the send payment tab a certain amount of trust is given with my hard earned money to someone I don't even know half way around the world" SO WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT?? 3 weeks no parts and I send PM's and no response?? Well not cool at all! 40 DAYS LATER I GET THE PART! Well it was an ignition switch with had sat in water cause there was oxidation on the housing and the key! and to top it off the ignition bezel had a big dent on it! things that didn't show on his posted PIC! and this in in NOS Part??? I paid $30 in shipping fee and he chose the cheapest and slowest method of shipping to make $ on shipping... Guys for those of you that haven't bought I'm not gonna tell you not to but be CAREFUL!! And the guys that have bought before well cool but the next purchase you could end up experiencing what I did! SO YOU TO BE CAREFUL!! :unsure::mad:


    He's also selling on 510REALM now!

    All the parts he sent me was good except the squeegees and he wont make good.I hope you guys read the PM he sent me,i copied and pasted it so you all can see.I guess i dont have datsun parts like he has.I say fuck him.

  2. This is the private message i got from him.





    I not quite.But i watch you every day.I have lot of Datsun parts.But you have not.Please do not bad post.I think enough with you post.I will not sale Datsun parts for buyer have more promblem same you.Try for find another location.You let me know fuck.I think fuck will return to you.

  3. john the first chance i get i need to get mine back on the road so we can go over putting the coilovers in the front.i just need to bleed of the front brakes and find out why my start button is not firing up my truck.Also did you ever check out racing beat or another company called mazda trix there in long beach.check them out if you have not,maybe they can get you up and running if you need parts or so fourth.i am always down by long beach so i can get parts for you and at least bring them out this way for you.let me know.talk to you later.

  4. Hope you guys have better luck than me. I paid for air mail, and he waited 10 days to ship 1/2 my order, then another 2 weeks to ship the rest apparently by boat, not air. Oh, and if your product is damaged and incomplete like mine is, this is Dett's Refund policy...



    "Sorry.I can't refund money to you.I complete ship all parts you order."



    So If you guys receive a box with cat poop in it, Dett figures he's done his part.


    Well i tell you what if thats the case he can shove his datsun parts up his you know what.Ihope alot of people in singapore need old datsun parts,because i dont.

  5. Hi Mr Bigtanker,

    I just now read your comment. So, that must've been you snoopin' round my house the other night. Iv'e had to hire a 24 hour armed guard to stand by my truck, and we thought the delux window trim was expensive!

    I know you were having some shipping concerns a few weeks ago. Did your parts arrive yet? I'm still waiting for the last of the parts I ordered. I did recieve two previous shipments of parts that I bought from Dett. I guess it just takes awhile.


    Haha very funny ive been caseing the joint ill get around him.On another note ive gotten all my parts from him.I will say he comes through for you just bad language issue with him,i got pissed off with him before because i asked for better pictures of the stainless door trim from him and he thought i did not trust him and so forth which made no sense in a PM,and then he posts all the pictures i asked for in the normal add.The only complaint i got for him is and he will take care of me,but i bought a set of door squeeges from him that got bent in half during shipping and i got them as straight as i can,but there is still creases in the middle of them he wants pictures of them before he does anything but for me im not shipping them back and having any cost on my side so i will take pictures and send them and go from there.

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