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71DIMER last won the day on May 12 2010

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About 71DIMER

  • Birthday 06/08/1975

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    CA SF Bay Area-South Bay
  • Cars
    1968 Datsun 510 Wagon, 1970 Datsun 510 2 Door, Honda CRX HF, Mazda Miata, Audi A4 B8 Avant
  • Interests
    Fast Cars and Faster Women
  • Occupation
    Rocket Scientist

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  1. Boy the stock market is to my 401K like Draggo was to Apollo right now, it's taking a beating!

    1. 71DIMER


      Those fools are really throwing a monkey wrench into things! This sux...I guess it's good I'm not retiring anytime soon, otherwise it would be a real scary time!

    2. RadioRedline


      Usa is far far worse than Greece, you'll see when shit hits the fan. Greece is admitting they are toast, Usa is in denial still..

    3. 71DIMER


      Let's not go overboard, the US is THE largest economy in the world, far larger than Greece and if/when we have a recovery it should be helpful not only to us but the entire world economy. If/when Greece bounces back it won't have the same world wide effect.

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