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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. This modification is very nice. If I didn't want a bench seat for the 620 this would be on the list. 620 with an ebrake for some drift weekends? YAY :devil: Also, I love that 521 socaldatsun. Sending you a PM for a quick question.
  2. Kirden

    Carb Question.

    Thank you. I was told that rebuilding the carb has a very low chance of working, but I have to do something until I can get the weber. I'll grab the I.D number and find a rebuild kit somewhere.
  3. Adam I'm really sorry to hear about the truck. Make them pay if you can. It should be a crime to devalue someone's hard work this much. Makes me wonder if the people running the insurance copanies have ever really put passion into anything.
  4. Dude that is awesome if they don't total it. Love your truck and it would be such a waste to see it go the way of the dodo.
  5. I want a 510 so bad now... This car is awesome and you re doing a great job on the restore. Hopefully I can get the 620 looking this nice, but budgets ya know... They are a spiteful pain in the tukus. How did you go about turboing the L20b? I was just looking to swap one into my 620 when I got the money, didn't really think much about forced induction. Turbo 620 and civc? Yes please >:)
  6. Kirden

    Carb Question.

    Alright, I will check it out. Was this carb even made for our trucks? I have trouble locating any info on it and when I typed it into ebay I found one that looks really similar but it for early GMs (which I'm guessing is what the GM stamp is for on the carb). http://www.ebay.com/itm/Early-GM-Rochester-2-jet-BBL-Carburetor-Manual-Choke-3x2-small-base-/221177686985?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item337f37abc9&vxp=mtr
  7. Kirden

    Carb Question.

    Anyone know anything about this carb? Here is the process I am trying to figure out. I pull the choke out, crank the truck, let it warm. It will now run and drive fine. However, when I puch the choke in (half way or all the way), the truck stalls. I know the breather is too small and the filter is basicly crushed, so I'm thinking it may be an air flow issue, but I have never worked on carbs because my other truck always ran fine. If anyone has any info on this carb please let me know. I willl see if I can find any other markings on the carb to send out more pics.
  8. We should really get this together. I think this would be a total blast and we could just make a huge vacation out of it. I have so many feelers out on parts right now that I just might have a reliable truck before Canby. Just need to source a L18 or L20B that needs a rebuild and I think I will be set for a long journey in time, but I can't afford one of those till middle of next month after buying the 5-speed this week. Stupid bills and budgets...
  9. Kirden

    datsun 620

    Thanks for that. Keep up the great work on that truck :)
  10. Yea, the truck isn't being drivin at the moment, I do not encourage anyone to not bolt their seats down but honestly I didn't know they were not bolted down. I just got the truck Monday. When driving it home I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary because of the boards under the seat. You can see that in one of the pics. I will be bolting them down before I drive anywhere, even if I have to use the stock positions until I can make a custom bracket.
  11. I'm throwing everything into it, Hope I can make it out but its more a work thing. 2700 miles is a long trip and I work 4 days a week. I may just save up and fly out, have to get a nice Ratsun member to pick me up.
  12. Anyone know about rochester carbs? Are they just some kind of universal replacement carb or something? I can't seem to find a site that just covers their carbs. I kinda feel like this carb was just retrofit to the truck and its not the right one for it. If anyone knows anything or needs different pics from other angles let me know. On a side not I fixed a rough idel problem. The idle screw was out so much that the truck was practically killing itself at idle. one full turn and she chirps like a bird now. Still trying to source a tach that looks original-ish and trying to figure out how in the world the radio is mounted in the dash so I can clean the gauges.
  13. It was hard to find a datsun for sale. Just happened to stumble across this one on CL when I was looking for a <$1200 car to get rid of my eclipse. I keep looking and I think either custom brackets for these seats or bench seat will be the way I go. Sitting in it after moving the seat back feels much better on the knees and pedals. From what I have seen the bench seat sits pretty much the same as this seat now that it has been moved back.
  14. If you latch system still has the bracket for the release cable I am very interested. Feel free to PM me or let me know on here. Pics would be great :)
  15. Haha, workin on it. It might end up being a rattle can job at first just to get all of that rolled on paint off... The entire thing was done with paint rollers and silver tape. Moar oics! Shift driver seat back, gonna make a custom bracket Closer look at the carb thats on it, still not sure what it is Carb that was in the cab behind the seat. Pretty sure its the orginal minus some parts. Thats it for now, Step dad was scared of the rain again so no brake progress... I think I'm gonna tear them down myself tomorrow if the rain stops.
  16. Got some pics of the seats. I found out that the seats are not bolted down... is this some kind of new thing cause my B2200 seats weren't bolted in either... Anyway, here we go: Shifted the driver seat all the way back. Fits like a glove now, need custom brackets for these seats. Dat Kirden workin on trucks barefoot again...
  17. Ah thank you. I did not see that one. I am planning on going to the one in Atlanta next month. They have one every 3rd Sunday with any 1910-1989 vehicles included. Not all Datsun, but still looks like a great time.
  18. I think I have a plan. My sister lives out near Redding, Cali so I save my money this year. Then I find a great 510 out there, store it at her house, the fly out for before Canby and drive the car up. I honestly want a 510 so bad that I would probably sell organs just to get one after seeing the awesome builds on ratsun :P If that doesn't work I will just have to work on getting that 5-speed for the 620 and rebuild the L18 before the trip.
  19. Yea Skib, I know. I have seen how much love goes into these builds. This community is better than any other community I have joined and I hope to be able to be a part of it for the forseeable future. Was just trying to make a funny with the t-shirt quip. I honestly have a ton of respect for you guys and hope to make it out in the near future.
  20. Lol, luckily I don't have to convince anyone anymore. I can even drag the son along for a family fun trip, but the 620 wouldn't make it to Canby in its current form. Especially with only one brake working.
  21. I couldn't bring myself to go all the way to Canby without a Datsun. Tht would defeat the purpose of the trip. However, I am interested in the meet in Duluth. I just joined the site Monday so I have very little knowledge of the different events. I have heard Canby mentioned on other sites and figured it was really the major meet to go to. I'll definately try to make Duluth this year, hopefully Canby next year. Thanks for the info on the Georgia meet :)
  22. I just figured out Canby is 2700 miles from me... One of these days I'll make it but man that is a long way for a t-shirt...
  23. Man I want to come out but I just got my truck Monday and its all kinds of ugly. Still has silver tape strips from the previous owner. Lets see how much I can get done in a month so I can make the next one :P
  24. Kirden

    datsun 620

    Ah ok, I see it now. Looks nice. Its hard to see with the smaller scale pictures. Question on how you lowered the truck. Did you remove any springs? I saw where people mentioned using the 4x4 springs but I rarely see anyone mention any modifications to the springs. Just sourcing info for my build.
  25. Lol, if only it did. Then dropping the frame would = 620 limo mode.
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