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  1. RatRandy

    Perris Valley

    lmao! Tru true!
  2. RatRandy

    Perris Valley

    Still waiting... .. lol 😉
  3. RatRandy

    Perris Valley

    Typical Ratsun nerd behavior ... lmfao I can tell you only have one hat rack to hang you shit on! lol
  4. RatRandy

    Perris Valley

    They are hard to come by here in Washington state.
  5. RatRandy

    Perris Valley

    Finally found one. 1972
  6. Where on earth can a dude like myself find one of these killer canopy's?! I have been searching high and low for one....any suggestions? Thanks
  7. ?

    1. datzenmike
    2. RatRandy


      Man it was a life saver this summer. Works like a champ!❄️?️

  8. A little weed burner! That's where I ran it out.. just wasn't digging behind the wheel area.
  9. Finally rust free weather!:)
  10. Dammit! Let's try again! #stupiduser
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