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Everything posted by jcd0402

  1. Good idea, If I can't get the cross referance number I'll take the bearing to a parts store, maybe they can meassure the i.d and o.d. Thanks Mike!
  2. Well to my luck the bearings I purchased were NLA. So I got my money back and no product. Dangit. Would you by any chance know if other universal bearings are available? Thank you
  3. Yeah, I also can't figure out how they came off. Yet, the transmission bolts were somewhat loose. Someone before me may have tried to fix the reverse issue and they must of dropped the bearings, hence why they gave me the 4 speed transmission opposed to the 5 speed transmission that the car previously had; considering that the car came with a driveshaft cut to the 5 speed size. Also I may have dropped the transmission by accident once, oops ?
  4. Thanks Mike! Just finished ordering some from ebay, $34 for both bearings oem nissan parts. In the nissan warehouse it stated NLA so I decided to scoop this ones up before they were gone hehe.
  5. Thanks mike!!! Yeah, the main input and output shaft (Same one really lol) don't have any play in them. Also to my surprise there were 0 metal pieces in the oil pan, and 0 sludge on the gears, everything was in the tail housing. Must of happened only in the rear since when I got it it was leaning backwards. Ohh and all the forks are tight and snug the gears actually feel really firm and non of the fork shafts have any play, neither do the gears. Quick question, would you happen to know what bearing size is required for the reverse shaft? Sorry, its because i had to reassemble it since its in my cousins land and I don't want parts to accidentally go missing.
  6. Time Left: 19 hours and 58 minutes

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    Just like the title states, if you have an L20b head for sale please send me a text message,.I'm trying to help out another starting datsun fan get his truck running; so please try to keep the price low. Thank You! ?

    Ask for price

  7. Yup, they look like pins from the bearings. The roll pin from the reverse fork was installed I did check that one. Also the springs that held the shafts from the gear selectors too. Those work fine after cleaning them up, the reverse fork is held in neutral position now. If i were to run the transmission without the bearing pins would something go bad even if I never run into reverse? Just want to move it home. 10mile drive ??
  8. Yeah it was forward, somehow the main shaft was seized and I tapped it with a hammer and wuala off it moved and now it shifts perfectly fine. Been moving the gears 20 plus times and they shift perfectly fine now, reverse also works and all the forks for all the gears move.
  9. So yeah, i got the tailshaft apart and found 3 pins just laying there. Where could they be comming from? Linkages seem to be moving without any problems. https://imgur.com/a/0PJ3KfP
  10. I'll make sure to post a pic once I'm done uninstalling it. Had to leave town for work, will be back by friday hopefully.
  11. I'll go ahead and disassemble it tomorrow, really sucks having to un mount the trany and driveshaft again. ? I'll keep you updated.
  12. Thank you, I'll take a look at it today, I don't know much about transmission but the online diagrams help out a lot. Also the youtube videos that I've managed to find.
  13. I never got it out of reverse, I guess I got it like that from the previous owner. Yeah, I even used my feet to push it further right and nothing. I might just swap the bell housing from the roadster transmission and the 510 transmission to fix it if its badly messed up.
  14. Yup, and it doesn't move further right through the neutral gate.
  15. The shifter won't let me go into 3rd, 4th or reverse. Its like they don't exist in the gear selector.
  16. Yup, it does exactly as you said in your first comment. In neutral it backs up but in 1st and 2nd it does nothing.
  17. When I disengage the clutch the car doesn't move. Yet, when I move the gear lever the second shaft, the one with the pin and lock in your pic moves forward and backwards. Also, I'm not turning the engine on I'm using the starter right now to rotate the transmission which does hesistate when I move it into first and second gear and the car won't move. But, when I do place it into neutral the car launches bakwards. Also, I already spent too much money on the transmission clutch and pilot bearing and flywheel resurfacing and throwout bearing to toss it out for a 5 speed specially after having a new driveshaft made for this transmission. Sorry, I know I may sound confusing. One last thing, I do happen to have another 4 speed transmission laying around but its from a datsun 1600 which has a different bellhousing. Yet, I believe everyting else is the same parts wise except gear ratio wise. Could this be my salvation?
  18. So, yeah, like the title says, my transnission (oem 4 speed) won't come out of reverse. I've tried everything, I've pushed the lever into reverse, I've pulled hard and smaked the release arm, I've even moved the car while it being in reverde to see if maybe the rotationg of the engine would release the gear. *Quick info The gear selector goes into first and second gear yet 3rd, 4th and reverse don't engage. This all happens while the transmission gear is still in reverse but the shifter isn't. Meaning, the shifter can be in neutral but the transmission is still stuck in reverse. Thank you
  19. Same thing happened to me. Good thing I found a remanufactured points dizy for $25. I just bought a chevy ignitor to swap it on to the electric one to see if that works, hopefully it does.
  20. Quick question guys and gals, Currently I'm in the process of restoring my 510 and now that I am done rebuilding the engine I want to begin restoring the body. Yet, as most 510's from 1971 you can already guess that it has severe rust in the rear quarter panels; hence why I am here asking this question. Now, I did already purchase them, not sure if it was good or bad thing to do (Hopefully good!) . Now to stop my ramble, does anyone here have any good or bad experiences with their rear lower patch panels for a 4dr 510? (My panel) https://imgur.com/a/syPvd Thank you, Julio De Leon
  21. So would I need the alternator braket too? I'm in a pickle right now since my original cranshaft pulley has a crack, and the only local one I can find is for a z22. If I do need the alternator braket I don't really mind since more than likely I'll also need the a/c braket too if I swap the pulley into my 510.
  22. So yeah stupid question, can I fit a Z22 crankshaft pulley on an L20B?
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