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Cleopatra Jones

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Cleopatra Jones last won the day on September 24 2017

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About Cleopatra Jones

  • Birthday November 11

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    Land of the fruits and the nuts...and the rest are flakes
  • Cars
    '81 210 (aka Stanley), ‘23 Kia (aka Hutchins)
  • Occupation
    Print Production/Graphic Design/Web

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  1. Stanley's battery light was lowly lit so I had the battery checked. It was bad. Got a new one. Battery light is still lowly lit. Maybe there's a short somewhere? New mystery!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I was reading the owner's manual and it said if the alternator and electrical system are functioning normally, but the electrical load is too heavy, the charge warning light may glow slightly. So I'm taking Stanley to my mechanic Monday to check the alternator and volt meter. Get this figured out.

    3. Rjawm


      I had a similar chain of events happen on one of my 720's. After replacing the alt, still had the faint light. Turned out in my case to be too much corrosion in one of the fusible link sections at the battery terminal. Once replaced, no more light.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Hmm interesting. My battery terminals are pretty clean but you can never tell. I'll double check that just in case. Thanks for the help guys!

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