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Cleopatra Jones

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Cleopatra Jones last won the day on September 24 2017

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About Cleopatra Jones

  • Birthday November 11

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    Land of the fruits and the nuts...and the rest are flakes
  • Cars
    '81 210 (aka Stanley), ‘23 Kia (aka Hutchins)
  • Occupation
    Print Production/Graphic Design/Web

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  1. In Nawlins (New Orleans in layman's terms) visiting the bf whose working on a movie here. Anyone know any good places to check out? I haven't been here in 14 years.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Hahaha!! Dude, I live in West Hollywood. It's always HEEEYY over there :) I did a voodoo tour the last time I was here. Well it started as a voodoo tour than went into a ghost siting tour :-/ The bf is cool so no doll needed. Besides I prefer the hands on approach (hands around the neck that is). I'll see about getting to Dumond's or Lagasse. Thanks for the tip!

    3. BigBlack620


      i just saw this ... you could have hooked up with my sisters, they know all the spots

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I'm going back a week from Saturday

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