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About pants

  • Birthday 06/10/1992

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  • Location
    Fresno, CA
  • Cars
    '78 510 wagon

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Oh hey mine does this too, I just pump the gas till it floods. Guess I should probably check that wire sometime.
  2. your son and i definitely have similar tastes. i love that thing
  3. These supras are some of my favorite cars ever, could never find one around here that wasnt a terrible pile of ass though.
  4. Waked by this guy in the school parking lot today The interior was extremely clean
  5. I have a 78 510 and I agree they need more love, which is why its great to have you here!
  6. I finally had some spare time away from schoolwork this weekend, so it was time to work on the car. Turns out, it was none of these problems! I had decided to replace the fuel filter, because it was old and nasty and while rooting around in there I noticed a set of wires sitting very close to one of the pulleys. When I replaced the radiator the little fuse block going to the distributor got moved and the wires were ziptied out of the way, but apparently it had had enough and moved on to greener pastures. After inspecting the wires I found this: WELL THAT MIGHT MESS THINGS UP A LITTLE BIT. the wires had been bouncing off the spinning pulley for who knows how long and it finally wore through the wire sheath and the insulation. So I cut out the old cut up parts and soldered in some new bits (the wire was a bit thick but it should be fine), wrapped it all in some conduit stuff, and now its fantastic! It actually runs better than it did before, which isnt surprising A successful saturday morning, even if soldering it was the most uncomfortable thing ever.
  7. Thanks for the tips guys! Friday is my least busy day, so I'll do some work and take pictures of anything Im curious about. Also could the electric choke be fucking up and flooding it? Are there multiple fuel filters? the only one I could find while poking around was on the passenger firewall. I assume the car doesnt need to be running to check the fuel squirt down the top of the carb
  8. So the car has decided not to run reliably anymore, but in a very interesting way. On tuesday I was driving to class (the first day of the new semester, just my luck) and everything was going fine, but maybe ten minutes into the drive i went to pull away from a light and nothing happened when i hit the pedal. It just idled lower and lower until it died. After pushing it through the intersection I gave it another try and it started, revved twice, and then the same thing. My best guess is the fuel system? The only problem is that I know zero about carbs. I guess just start at the fuel pump and work my way through the system? Any ideas will be a big help
  9. Feel free to correct me, but that doesnt seem so bad. The welds look pretty good, apart from the two bolts used to hold it against the face
  10. pants

    Bolt cutting

    Fantastic! These are the things they forget to teach me while im getting my fabrication degree.
  11. I dont know if there are any fighting game fans here, but this game is amazing
  12. While changing the oil today I noticed the seal on what I think is the oil pump has blown out the side and is a gummy oily mess. Hopefully just the seal is bad, but I might change the pump anyway while its out. Also the front brake calipers on this win the prize for weirdest design
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