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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Benz at Olive Garden: Corolla lives down the street from me: Really clean S-Chassis parked near me at the ferry terminal (sorry for the poor photo... iPhone sucks at low light): Spotted at the movie theater last week... then saw it again today on the road:
  2. Speed holes and chrome trim on everything. Had a stock front bumper, but had plastic canards installed on it:
  3. Spotted at the parts store on Kitsap Way last week: Off Bond Rd. the other day (Im pretty sure its a member as I recall seeing them near Home Depot and they spoke up):
  4. Wish it was available up here :(
  5. Nope... just pack it in :hairy:
  6. Its a popular meme, not an insult...
  7. Oh if there were no deformities involved? Sure. Its only taboo because its been shown to be harmful to offspring. Now theres a stigma applied. I thought you meant that at its curent condition I wanted to allow people to marry into their own family. Now were on the same page...
  8. Animal husbandry is when you breed animals... not wed them :rofl: Common misconception. Continue your fornication as it produces no birth defects :sneaky:
  9. Sometimes I edit posts, yes. I edit for additional information, spelling mistakes, etc. I still dont see what the point is... Which is the edited post in question?
  10. Not quite... I know the tactic and its still twisting what I said. I dont want marrying into families legal... it should remain illegal. Im equating it to a form of eugenics. You dont have kids within your bloodline because it causes deformities. Deformities are the reason that its a faux paux. If there were no ill consequences no one would care. People have been doing it for ages to remain blue-bloods. Then look how messed up some of the kids are. Same with animal husbandry. Take for example the German Shepard. Poor dogs are so inbreed for their desired qualities that they have all sorts of problems. Gah my computer is freaking out on me. System popups randomly showing up volume adjusting itself. Laptop is possessed.
  11. I did after you pointed it out... I guess that is where it went astray haha. Damn Mike stirring up trouble :rofl:
  12. Says the guy who left when times got tough. And Im sure we will meet one day eventually... I have no problem with that. Am I suppose to receive that as a threat? I never attacked you. Just made pointed out a fact. Take it as you will. You seem to be the one upset for no reason. Not too sure why :confused:
  13. Where are you getting all these points you keep thinking I'm making. Stop putting words in my mouth lol 510Freak why do you even care what we post here? You're just a lurker with no vested interest anymore. I'm sure NWD would love more music videos... I still don't know how we got on this topic in a weed thread... What was the point for this thread again? I'm confused.
  14. You're right. I grew up with a mentally handicapped aunt who lived with us my whole life (until I moved out). When she was 9 she had an extreme fever that left her mentally 4 for the rest of her life. That was unexpected. There will probably always be abnormalities like that.
  15. Its the trendy thing to do... have you seen the shit boxes that us Americans drive?
  16. Hindsite is 20/20. Although what we know now to be unethical was once ethical... You cant say that if either of us were born 20 or 30 or 40 years before we actually were that our views on whats ethical would be the same. I didnt say its the solution, but it should be part of it. Agree. And it will keep failing because as I said its impractical. Just like communism its great on paper but has not viable way to work in the real world. Edit: A point I would like to edit in, is what about marrying into your own family? Its currently illegal here in the US to marry relatives as the lineage created has been proven to cause deformities. Are you saying that that shouldnt be illegal? Is it inhumane to limit who a person can marry because it may cause birth defects? Why cant it be the same for the people that have proven genetic markers for serious illness? Its proven that the people that have those carriers will create a child with [serious illness] so why not stop it now? Minimizes suffering of the parents, the child, the medical community... No one is saying you have to be locked up or castrated because youre a carrier, just that you cant have blood children. Adopt.
  17. Eugenics itself is a fantastic idea... its also impossible to do. Having a World free of disease is not ethically wrong, but the application of the program will inevitably be corrupted. Nope Not true at all... thats the thing with ethics, they arent concrete. Look at how it was "ethically" acceptable to treat blacks, and then women, and now gays. Shit changes and things become ethically acceptable all the time. Im not saying its the only answer to the Worlds problems and its a process going to be impossible to keep on the right path, but you cant call wanting legitimate scientific diseases eradicated unethical or immoral. In addition to increased education and medical research eugenics can knock out some of the huge problems in the World: Eugenics isnt the solution... just part of it.
  18. No, Im pretty sure the Hardcastle car was a McLaren. Above is a Ferrari P4.
  19. It was only a matter of time... if Scientologists can become a religion then Pastafarians can. Both based off the same principles.
  20. Im fully aware of the innate ability to choose good genetic matches for partners. There was actually a study done about how females could pick out near perfect genetic partners based on pheromone traces on shirts. It was some high percentage of perfect matches... until women started taking hormonal birth control pills. The pills fucked up the receptors enough to provide bad match results. Birth control is a currently theory on why there are so many divorces in the World. When youre dating someone youre on birth control to make sure you dont get pregnant at the wrong time. You think youre into each other and then all of a sudden you try for a kid or just decide to stop taking BC because youre with one partner. Her hormones flip back to normal and now all of a sudden your pheromones tell her you two suck at genetic compatibility and you two start fighting... Anyway, I was talking about medically promoted eugenics and not natural selection. Like I said, if you have some sort of disease thats on whatever list then youre not allowed to have kids. Feel free to adopt one of the millions of children in foster care right now. I also think you should not be allowed to adopt non-US children. We have enough that need homes we dont need to be bringing in and Chinese, or trendy African country kids. Youre right, its a very "hot button" topic and just like anything theres going to be some sort of black market for whatever world govt says you cant do. I dont see anything wrong with having to go down to the courthouse and picking up a birthing license just like you did for a marriage license. You fill out a questionnaire and a small DNA test and they let you know. If you dont meet the questionnaire wickets then there are programs in place to help you get there. Something like additional room in your household, under so many kids already, certain income based on location and current dependants, etc. Its all some controversial stuff though and Im sure you can take it to some extremes.
  21. For sure. Eventually we are going to have to get pragmatic over the situation and not so emotional. It sounds all Brave New World, but I fully support some sort of governing body to regulate births. Less parental hardships based on unexpected births; which in turn brings less hardship on kids who are unwanted; less people on Welfare because their parents cant afford it; fewer abortions; fewer orphans; smaller population to control overcrowding, trash, and pollutants. As poor as it sounds, Im also one for eugenics. There are so many serious diseases that are hereditary that could be prevented by stopping the bloodline. You have a serious disease?- adopt. Saves a kid and stops the passing of poor genes. With that, where do we draw the line on bad genetics? I dont know how all this came about from a pot thread, but whatever.
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